S4 E002

461 16 11

I was about to commit the most goreful, most gut wrenching things to this man.

I held my gun to his head.

"I want you to listen to me. I want you to really listen to me, Tyler."

Tyler swallowed hard, looking up at me in a mix of shame and pure anger. "Kid--"

"My eyes are open. Are yours?"

I slid the gun into his mouth, and pressed onto the delicate trigger. The back of his skull, splattering everywhere.. it pushed a wave of pleasure to course through my body.

But now I was really fucked.

Tyler has men all over Germany looking for Bill and I, and I had possibly just made it worse.

But fuck it was worth it.

I got down on my knees, feeling the glass dig into my shins. I grunted, plunging the knife into his chest and dragging it down to his lower stomach.

"I'm a man of my word," I raised my eyebrows, tearing open his skin. His organs were visible, and it was quite the sight.

I dug my hand into his chest,

And tore out his heart with one loud grunt.

"I'm surprised you even have one." I muttered, tossing it as i got up.

I heard sirens, blaring out with the skids of cop cars stopping with a loud screech. I shifted, getting up and grabbing my shit before running out through the back.

My feet padded against the cement as I ran, heading to my car and quickly getting in before speeding off.

I could still hear sirens.. after me?

"Shit," I whispered and looked in the review mirror, speeding up with my foot harshly pressed on the pedal.

Follow car.

Always use a follow car.

I grabbed the womans phone from earlier, dialing in a friends number.

"Evan, you got me? I need a follow car anywhere near the mainstreet of 47th." I spoke, my breathing ragged.

I nodded after a few more sentences, and heard gunshots.

The cop cars immediately sped off.

I opened the window, throwing the phone out.

If the cops do look for me, it would be for a reason so worth it.

I stopped out front of my house.

We needed to go.


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