S2 E006

613 19 17

I looked over to Kane, rubbing her knuckles.

she stepped forward, looking at Eddie as he crossed his arms.


I quickly grabbed her, tossing her to the ground as i got ontop of her. swiftly punching her in the nose as she buckled her hips, kneeing me straight in the cock.

I dropped down, groaning as she got on top of me, pressing her knee deep into my stomach as i coughed slightly.

She punched me in the jaw, then the nose as i grabbed her by the waist, roughly kicking her as she got up.

i shuffled up, yanking her down by the ankle as her head slammed against the pavement.

she groaned, rubbing her temple.

"shit." I huffed, looking over to Ed.

"the fight isnt over."

I slowly approached her, my eyebrows furrowed as i kneeled.

"THE FIGHT, ISN'T OVER!" Eddie repeated.

Kane quickly glocked me in the mouth, punching me in the stomach as i grabbed her wrist, spitting blood as i blocked her for a few seconds.

she kicked me as the side of the leg as i dropped. she slowly slumped ontop of me, huffing a little.

I looked down at my buldge, growing beneath her. she didn't even notice either.

she punched me in the nose once more, looking to the side before dropping down next to me.

"think- you broke.. half a tooth." I grunted, adjusting my jeans with a small snicker.

we slowly looked at eachother, and started laughing.

I tapped her twice, and got up as i lifted her to her feet with a slight groan.

she wiped her bleeding nose, tilting her head down as she dragged me over to a place with a few chairs and a man was.

"ahh. good round today, kane?"

she nodded, "yeah, thanks marcus." she muttered, sitting me down as she grabbed some ice from a bucket.

she kneeled down, pressing it over my cheek as i sighed in relief.

"sorry. I'm not actually sorry but I feel bad.' she mumbled, and I pulled her onto my lap.

"Mm? getting soft?"

she raised an eyebrow.

"you wish, alien." she grinned, facing the ring as the two of us watched another fight. I rested my head on her shoulder, pressing ice over my eye as i sighed.

"alien?" I spoke again, laughing a little.

"alien." she nodded, shuffing closer as she picked up one of my dreads.

"your antannae's." she lifted another one. pulling them up as i looked down, chuckling.

kane was no one like I'd ever met. someone I needed in my life. you know?

"Is that.. Bill?"

I looked where she was looking.

Bill, absolutely thrashing some guy. left punch, right, then a glock in the nose. "learnt from the best." I looked down at her.

she smiled.

Eddie looked over to her, signalling her over.

"I'll be back. keep ice on that, alright?" she rubbed my thigh, and slid off my lap.

I looked down at my boner, sighing as i spread my legs, and adjusted my jeans with a slight legs bounce.

I was a little worried about project mayhem. things have gotten incredibly out of line. This never happens. I'm never distracted like this.

we still need a few pounds of nitroglycerin, then some other shit. we have a year, sure, but Tyler shows up and it all goes to shit.

I need to focus.

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