☆🎪 .HOW YOU MEET. 🎪☆

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🎪 POMNI - ☆
When she was trying to find Caine (yea that one scene when Ragatha told Pomni to get Caine😭) she spotted you, "H-Hey! You there! Have you seem Caine?". You turn around and look at her. "Caine...? No i haven't seen him. Why?". "No time for explanation! Can you maybe help me find him?" She said in a quick worried tone. "Sure, i wouldn't mind to help.". You two went to find Caine and you two slowly started to become friends.

🐰 JAX - ☆
You were minding your own business, walking around the circus and then you spotted him, he saw you and asked: "Hey, you don't seem familiar... ya new here?" you responded with yes, he nodded, you asked if he could guide you around the circus, he declined immediately, you had a disappointed face but then looked back at you and said in a annoyed tone "fine...", your eyes light up and you thanked him, he guided you around circus and stuff, he realised he was being too harsh towards you and he found you a pretty cool person, you two became friends.

You were desperately trying to find a exit for the digital circus, you were panicking and hyperventilating, you were shaking, at the edge of crying, but just before you bursted into tears, a voice from behind spoke to you. "Hey... Are you okay?" It was Ragatha, she sounded worried. "I-I am fine... I-I'm just...-" You replied back with a soft shaky sad tone. "You don't seem fine... What's your name sweatheart?". "Y/N...". "Oh that's such a pretty name! Can you tell me why you're in a panic?". you explained to her why you're acting like this and she understands, she comforts you and you two become friends.

♟️KINGER - ☆ (i love him sm ☹️☹️)
You were buddies with Jax, Jax introduced you to Kinger, he started to get nervous and afraid when he meets new people. "J-Jax! Who is this?!" Kinger said in a nervous scared voice, "Oh, this shorty? Yeah that's Y/N, they are new here.". I look at Jax and then at Kinger, "Y-Yeah... what he said, i'm Y/N and-". "Y-You won't make fun of me r-right?!". "Huh...? No no! I wasn't planning to, you actually seem like a very nice person". "Y-You think so...?" Kinger replied. "No, they don't." Said Jax in a sarcastic voice . "Shut up, Jax!" You replied to him in a harsh way. You signed and looked at Kinger. "You're Kinger, right?". Kinger nods his head. "That's me...". "It's a pleasure to meet you, Kinger! I'm Y/N." and then you two became friends. :D

you were minding your own business until you heard soft quiet sobbing behind your back. You turn around and see Gangle on the floor with her broke mask in her hands(OR RIBBONS IDK), "Hey are you okay?" You asked Gangle is a soft tone. Gangle looked up at you and replied back: "O-Oh... I don't think so, Jax broke my mask" She points at the tall purple rabbit with yellow eyes and teeth. "I'll deal with him later, do you want me to fix your mask?". Gangle looks at you with a smile. "Y-You would do that...? Thank you!". You hug Gangle gently and you fix her mask and you two became close friends.

You saw Zooble talking to Caine, they were annoyed by Caine's adventures and stuff, you walked up to them. "H-Hey! what's going on?" Zooble and Caine turn their head towards you. "Uh, who are you?" Zooble asked in a confused harsh way. "Oh right! I forgot to tell you about Y/N, Zooble!" Caine said in an ecstatic voice. after a few minutes of Caine introducing you towards Zooble, he disappears. "Wow... So you're Y/N huh? It's nice to meet you, i guess?" Zooble crosses their arms and looks to their right. "Y-Yep! That's me, heh, and your Zooble! I-I really like how you look, the different shapes! Are they detachable?" Zooble nods their head at looks at Y/N. "Yup, they are." When Zooble said that, they detached their left arm. "Holy sh-". "It doesn't hurt." "Wait it doesn't?". "Yup, what did you expect?". "Oh nothing, hah! I'm just surprised and amazed!". Zooble looks at you. "You think so? Wow, that's sweet of you." After that you two started to become friends slowly.

🎲CAINE - ☆
You were new in the digital circus world, you were nervous and afraid, but the ringmaster of the circus, Caine. Introduced you to the new people. Pomni, Ragatha, Jax, Zooble, Kinger and Gangle. You didn't trust most of the new guys here..., "It'll be alright, Y/N! They don't bite!" Caino said in a positive voice. "U-Uhm... Okay then". You looked nervous but stayed close Caine cause you found him the most comfortable person to be with for now.


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