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I would like to say, Trigger warning for the people who are dealing with s/h, i used to deal w it at age 11. :(
Reminder that you're not alone, your friends/family love you so much, keep going. :)
Please drink some water or your favourite drink, and also eat your favourite fruit/snack/meal.
If you like to talk to me, please reply here and i'll send my discord user.
You are a strong beautiful human being, i love you, im so proud of you, i hope you achieve your dreams in the future and i hope your healthy. ❤️
🎪POMNI - ☆
- She would get extremely worried and put bandages around your wrists , she will comfort you and say everything's gonna be fine, she'll spend hours with you, hugging, cuddling, she'll buy your favourite snack to cheer you up.

🐰JAX - ☆
- He'll get worried and bandage them aswell and kiss your wrists, he'll throw the razor away, and he'll cuddle with you. He wants to know who made you do this.

- She'll get very sad and worried, she will grab the razor from you and throw it in the trash, she would rub your wrists gently and softly and bandage your wrists, she'll let you vent to her, she would buy you your favourite ice cream and cuddle.

- She would think it's her fault and start crying, you see Gangle crying and comfort her, you tell her it's not her fault and that your having a hard time, she understands and she will hug you firmly but gently, she'll say quietly that everything's gonna be okay, after that you guys watch a movie and cuddle.

♟️KINGER - ☆
- He'll get extremely upset and worried to the point he'll start having a small panic attack, he starts to bandage your wrists, caress them, kiss them gently and softly, and then he'll cuddle with you, making sure you aren't feeling sad or uncomfortable.

- Would get worried but also mad, mad cause they are thinking someone made you do this, they'll beat the living shit out of the person who made you do this to yourself, they would start hugging you gently, and then cuddling you, they would give you a cup of warm chocolate milk/tea/coffee (whatever you like.) and eventually make sure to bandage your wrists, not too tightly.

🎲CAINE - ☆
- He would get mad and sad at the same time, he would literally murder the person or send them to the void who made you do this, he'll make sure your comfortable, he'll rub your wrists gently, and kiss them making sure your not in any pain and he will bandage them.

(446 words)

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