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- Requested by: MayaGiebel

Story contains:
Fluff 🧸

Thank you for the request! :D

- Ever since you got into the virtual world of the digital circus, you were close friends with Pomni, Y/N seemed pretty happy that she'd found a friend.
But for a few days straight, Pomni has been acting pretty nervous and awkward around you, maybe she's just in a goofy mood?

You wanted to ask Pomni why she has been acting so awkward lately around you, you looked around the circus and outside, you couldn't find her so maybe you thought she was in her room.

You walk down the hall to see a door with a logo of Pomni's face.
"This should be her room." Y/N said in her own thoughts.
You knock on her door lightly, and then speak. "Hey, it's Y/N"
"Y/N...?" A voice can be heard from the other side of the door.
The person opened the door and it was indeed Pomni. But when Pomni looked at you, she blushes slightly.

Y/N notices Pomni blushing. "Hey Pomni, I was just checking on you, are you alright?"
Pomni looks at Y/N with her big cute puppy eyes. "I'm fine, I'm just happy to see you."
Y/N smiles. "Awh, well I'm happy to hear that..."
"Also, I was just about to ask if you wanted to see the sunset with me?" Pomni asked.
Your eyes light up. "The sunset? Id love that!"

Pomni smiles like :3. "I'll have to confess something to you when we are there."
"Confess.?" Y/N asked Pomni.
"Wait- D-Did I say that out loud?" Pomni blushes.
"You did, But it's okay, Pomni!" You put your hand on Pomni's shoulder.
Pomni blushes more by your touch. "W-Well let's go, shall we?" Pomni said in an awkward tone.

Y/N nods.
Pomni started to hold your hand gently. Y/N gets surprised but she doesn't think much about it.
The two go outside, the sun was setting and they both sat on the soft grass.
"It's pretty beautiful." Said Y/N in a warm tone.
"You know, what's also beautiful... You!" Pomni replied back.
You look at Pomni and start to blush.
"Look... Y/N I wanted to ask this for a long time."
Pomni inhales and then exhales.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend...? I-I'll treat you like a princess..." When Pomni said that, she looks away and fidgets with her fingers. You can tell she's very embarrassed but also blushing.

You stay quiet, for a moment you look at her and then you hugs her tightly.
"Yes, yes!" You kiss Pomni's cheek.
Pomni got surprised by all the affection Y/N gave to her but she accepted it.

After a few minutes, you two go back inside the circus.

Since you two are dating, you two go into Pomni's room.
Y/N and Pomni both looked nervous.
Y/N started to speak. "So, what do you wanna do now...?"
"I thought maybe we could... cuddle? Just make out for a bit?" Pomni looked at you with her big cute puppy eyes again.
Y/N looks at Pomni blushing.

"I-If you're comfortable, of course! I'm not forcing." Pomni says in a worried tone.
"No no, I'd love to make out with you and cuddle!" Y/N started to cup her face.
Pomni eyes widen and she blushes again.
Y/N starts to kiss Pomni gently and softly.

Pomni starts to kiss back softly and gently aswell, after the kiss. You two start to cuddle.
Y/N as the big spoon. And Pomni as the small spoon.

You two would eventually fall asleep peacefully without getting disturbed.


(624 words)

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