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🎪POMNI - ☆
- Would first be nervous on what to do.
- Will buy you fidget toys.
- Will try your best to make you comfortable.

🐰JAX - ☆
- Kinda doesn't care.
- Will be more careful.
- Won't bully you, just sometimes tease you.

- Will buy you fidget toys, comfy clothes, buy plushies.
- Will love you no matter what.
- Will show psychical affection whenever your comfortable.

- Knows about the autism spectrum.
- Will try to make you as comfortable as possible.
- Cuddle with you.

♟️KINGER - ☆
- Doesn't know what to do.
- "Do you have a insect collection?"
- Will try to comfort you.

- Doesn't know what to do aswell.
- Will comfort you.
- They're trying their best. :(

🎲CAINE - ☆
- Whoever makes fun of your autism, they will get sent to the void. (Jax...)
- Will buy merch of your hyperfixation.
- Will cuddle with you.

- Will make a mukbang video abt the next person who makes fun of your autism.

(160 words)

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