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Finally a new one! it's been months xd hope you guys like it :3

- Easily flustered
- Would hide her face cause it's fully red (😭)
- Once you let go, she'll hug you tightly back.

🐰JAX -
- Will find it funny but it doesn't make him flustered.
- Will either flirt with you back or throw you across the room.
- Probably mock you.

- Would find it very adorable.
- In her eyes, you look like a cute puppy who's looking for attention.
- Would give you a small kiss on the cheek after you let her go.

- Gets very surprised cause no one has hugged her.
- Would probably cry and hug you back.
- You two cuddle.

- Will scream cause he think he's getting attacked.
- But he sees it's just you so he calms down.
- His pupils would dilate cause he loves hugs and you.

- Gets a bit surprised.
- Since your arms and hands are around their waist, Zooble would hold your hands.

- "Oh my goodness! My love!" Say something like this. 😭 (idfk)
- Turns around and hugs you tightly and lifts you off the floor.

- Would pop out of existence

🍭LOO - (NEW)
- Would find it adorable and will hug you back and lifts you off the floor aswell.
- Your face will get covered in kisses.
- "Your such a flirt, my love."

- Isn't used to be hugged so he accept it.
- He gets a tad bit nervous once he hugs you back.

(245 words)

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