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Requested by: Steven_Universe69

Thank you for the request! :D

- Would find it really pretty

She would constantly play with your hair, she's already used to your new hair colour. and then hug you.

🐰JAX -
- Would laugh.

He would laugh, would make fun of you and your hair, eventually will make you trip.

- Would find it adorable

She would think it's adorable, would brush your hair and play with it. :)

- Would first have to get used to it.

Would have to get used to it first, but she gets used quickly, she finds your new hair colour pretty cool.

- Would stare at you and then scream.

Would have to get used it, doesn't get used quickly but he'll mess up your hair and play with it.

- Would find it badass

They really like dyed hair, Zooble would also treat you more nicely.

- Would find you more attractive.

He finds people attractive when they unnatural hair colours, he'll treat you nicer and whoever makes fun of you will get sent to the void.

- Would eat your hair.

(This one was kinda rushed and lazy 😭😭)

(191 words)

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