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☆ - Requested by: slimeygrill
Thank you for the request! :D

I'm extremely bad in writing so i'm sorry if this is horrible af 😭
You, Y/N. Were a member of the Digital Circus world.
You were friends with a long skinny purple coloured rabbit with yellow eyes and teeth, He could be a dick most of the time but also nice but it's very rare.
"So Y/N, Before i guide you around this place, i gotta ask you something." Jax says in a smirk.
"What now?" Y/N says in a confused tone.
"It's kinda funny to me how short and stupid you are." Jax says in a grin.
"Excuse me!? First of all, i'm not dumb! secondly, at least I don't look like a bootleg version of barney but as a rabbit?! Also i can't decide what my height is!" Y/N says in an aggressive pissed off tone.
"Now now." Jax rests his arm on your head. "If you're gonna act all tough and mean then i won't guide you." (Bro is like 6'11 and your like 5'2 idk😭)
Y/N signs annoyed. "Okay, fine!"
And just like that, Jax stops being a dick towards Y/N for a bit now, he guides Y/N around the place cause Caine is just too lazy to do it.
20 Minutes pass, They are now at the rooms.
"That's Kinger's room, that's Ragatha's, and blah blah.. yea, got it?"
"Half of the guiding was you calling me "short", "shorty". Y/N says while they were crossing their arms.
Jax chuckles. "Well, you're not wrong, i find short people very goofy looking, just like Pomni."
"Oh you motherf-" Y/N gets cut off mid sentence.
"Nuh uh. No swearing, shorty." Jax says in a teasing tone.
"Ugh! Can you shut up?!" Y/N looks away while blushing slightly.
"Awh, is the little shorty blushing?" Jax says in a teasing tone once again.
Y/N punches Jax's shoulder, Y/N was pretty annoyed yet a bit embarrassed when Jax keeps calling her "shorty", "short".
"That didn't hurt at all." Jax chuckles and squats to Y/N's height level.

"Oh come on! Why are you so mad?"
Y/N looks at Jax in the eyes, Y/N starts to blush more.
"N-No you're just very close to me!" Y/N says in an embarrassed tone.
"You sure?" Jax grins.
Y/N felt their heart pounding fast in their chest, their face is fully red.
"What if i...?" Jax puts his hand on Y/N cheek.
Y/N eyes open wide. "Wait! Just a moment. I-"
"No waiting, Y/N. You're mine, shorty." Jax kisses Y/N softly on the lips.
Y/N turns fully red, they're... confused? surprised? Y/N had so many questions in their mind.
Jax pulls back. "Aaaand?"
"D-Did you... just... kiss me...?" Y/N was flustered and confused.
"Are you stupid?" Jax says.
"N-No but-"
"No, i didn't kiss you, i was just showing you how stupid you are." Jax chuckles while saying it in a sarcastic joking way.
"Now, get out of my way, i need to go somewhere" Jax pushes Y/N away.
"I'll see you later, shorty." Jax winks as he says that in a teasing, flirty(😏) tone. And he eventually walks away and gets out of sight.
Y/N was still confused, flustered and surprised, why did Jax suddenly kiss Y/N...?
"I think i'm in love..." Y/N puts their hand on their chest.
"Oh my god."

(599 words)

(i tried my best, i hope you guys like it 😭)

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