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This is for both transfem and transmasc people. :)

🎪POMNI - ☆
- "So, you're a girl/boy now? That's cool, i support you!"
- Will buy you clothes that you are comfortable with.
- Will just get very supportive

🐰JAX -
- Will first make fun of you.
- "Pff, what? A transformer? That's lame."
- Will then see that he's going too far and will apologise.

- Will support you a lot.
- "I'm so happy you came out to me!"
- Give you lots of hugs and kisses.
- Will correct the people who misgendering you.

- Will buy you a trans flag.
- Buy you clothes that you are comfortable with.
- Whenever she misgenders you accidentally, she'll feel sad and be ashamed of herself.

- "A transformer?"
- Doesn't know what it means.
- Shows you his bug collection.

- "Oh, that's cool."
- Will be supportive, just not care much.

- "Wow! That's so fascinating, my dear! I'm so happy you came out to me!"
- Will make sure you're comfortable and happy with who you are.
- Will most likely kill Jax cause yeah, do i even have to explain?

- Will smile.
- he supports you.

(185 words)

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