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☆ - Requested by: 1999_Toyota_Corolla
Thank you for the request! :D

Story contains:
☆ - Fluff 🧸

(I am so so sorry if this isn't fluff, i tried my best :(( )

Y/N were their your room, just laying on your bed, facing the ceiling.
"Why am i so bored...?" Y/N said in their own thoughts.
Y/N was trying to fall asleep but they can't, they just too bored to even fall asleep. (is that even a thing?😭)
Y/N started to get up from their bed. Y/N signs.
"I'll check where the others are, it's not like they're busy... Right?"
Y/N started to walk towards the door, they put their hand on the doorknob and turn it around.
They open the door and exit their room. Y/N looks around the hallway and sees nobody.
"Where is everybody?" Y/N says in their own thoughts.

You started to walk down the hall to see if anybody is there. You see Kinger around the corner.
"Kinger!!" You run towards him with a smile.
"AAA! OH! IM SO SORRY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE ABOUT TO ATTACK ME!" Kinger said in a nervous loud afraid tone.
"What? No! I would never hurt you! I saw you around the corner and decided to come to you cause i'm sooooo bored!"
"You wanted to see me...?" Kinger replies.
"Duh! I love talking to you!"
Kinger chuckles.

Y/N giggles. "do you maybe wanna hang out with me?"
Kingers eyes open wide with happiness. "YES YES! OF COURSE, Y/N!"
Y/N smiles warmly, they starte stop hold one of Kingers hands.
Kinger realised that Y/N was holding their hand, they were confused but also felt more comfortable around Y/N.
Kinger started to blush slightly by the small affection.
Y/N and Kinger go into Y/N's room.

"Oh right, i forgot to show you my room before, but here we are!"
Kinger looks around the room. "Pretty amazing room, I really love the non binary flag also Y/N!"
Y/N smiles and blushes slightly. "Thank you, Kinger!"
"The colours of the flag are really appealing to my eyes. it's such a nice colour combination, it's making me sleepy."
Y/N giggles a bit louder and blushes more. "Awe!"

Kinger looks at Y/N and blushes. "Actually, Y/N i wanted to say something for a pretty long time..."
Y/N blushes more. "Hm?"
Y/N eyes wide open, They can't believe what they're hearing.
Out of no where, Y/N hugs Kinger tightly but not too tight.
"I like you too- No wait... I love you too!"
Kinger hugs back softly and he blushes profusely. "I'm really happy to hear that..."

After that, you two started to cuddle and then eventually fall asleep. :)

(490 words)
(Once again, so sorry if this isn't rlly fluff, i'm not the best writer, atleast i tried 🙁)

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