food poisoning is the worst'

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Requested by lovelydraconevile


Karl was still asleep even though it was 1 or 2 o'clock in the afternoon he was still sleeping his little brain making him need more sleep.

He was currently around the age of 2 same as when he went to bed in the guest room almost 17 hours ago.

Unfortunately his lie in this morning was ruined as when he woke up suddenly with his stomach absolutely throbbing.

"Huh dada, mama!" he whined wanting his care givers but unfortunately they weren't in bed with him. why was this happening why did his stomach hurt so bad.

He rolled around in bed whining and whimpering hoping it would all just go away. That was until he began to feel nauseous the feeling scaring him he just knew he had to get to the bathroom.

The little fell to his knees Infront of the toilet gagging and throwing up.

He felt really awful his stomach was churning not giving him any brake from vomiting.

After about 20 minutes of constantly throwing up the little stood up. Going to see his caregivers.

He waddled down the hall holding his stomach.

He knocked on the door coming in looking down.

"Yes karly" sapnap said turning to see karl who was dressed very lazily in a hoodie and sweatpants both decorated in ducks both usually belonging to quackity as he thought it was funny but little Karl ended up really liking them he was also holding his favourite cat plushy. He had dried to tear tracks on his face and he was sniffling.

"What's wrong baby" sapnap asked quickly processing that karl had regressed.
Ushering the little over to him to sit on his knee.

Quackity had also come from the end of the bed listening.

"My tummy hurts" he quietly sobbed his head going into sapnaps shoulder.

Sapnaps face softened rubbing Karl back bouncing his knee slightly.

"Oh my pour baby did you throw up" sapnap asked judging by the slight dryness from the boys lips and his pale face how he usually looked when this happened.

Karl nodded his head softly. "Baby" sapnap said brushing a hand through the boys sweaty hair.

"Do you think its from the dinner you had last night babe" quackity asked thinking it was the first time Karl has tried sea food as sapnap tried to hush the little who was crying into his shoulder.

"Mhm" he whined. "Aww baby food poisoning is the worst I know" he comforted.
Sapnap said bouncing his knee again.

"What do you want to do love, you want to have a bath or sleep, watch a movie your choice" sapnap asked. Passing karl to quackity. Karl immediately koala hugging him.

Quackity's face softened looking at his sick little who he just found adorable.

"Mmhhh" karl whined kicking his legs.
"Mamq" He groaned.
"Sh sh baby youre ok" quackity whispered.

"No!" He sobbed. Getting off of quackity's lap he fell to the floor leaning over his stomach wailing at the floor not able to express his pain in any other way.

He fell on his back now just wailing at the ceiling.

Quackity and sapnap looked at each other concerned for their small baby.

"Lovey come on crying will just make the pain worse ok hun let's sit on the bed alright" quackity said trying to help.

Karl sat up suddenly his face going pale and green in places. "Daddy? Mama!" He mumbled.

"Oh ok babe C'mon let's go" quackity said picking him up.

"No! No mama! can't, don't want to!" He sobbed remembering how bad it was last time.

Quackity took Karl's hand bringing him into the bathroom setting him to sit on his crossed legs.

"I know you don't love" quackity said the next second Sapnap ran in with a hair tie and a bottle of water.

"Oh perfect" quackity complimented quickly tying up karl's long hair to a knot on the top of his head.

Quackity massaged Karl's stomach as he retched it was a fairly cute sound but it scares Karl none the less.

Karl whined loudly as sapnap held his hand.

"That's it baby" sapnap said attempting to calm him.

When Karl finished he turned to his caregivers wailing. "Aww it's ok" quackity comforted holding his little baby.

"I think we'll stay in here for a while just incase, sappy can you go get a warm blanket please" quackity asked rocking Karl gently.

"Oh ok I'll see you in a minute baby" sapnap said kissing Karl's nose.

Sapnap ran into the bedroom diving under their bed for a box they had.

He had to sprint back into the bathroom after hearing coughs and spluttering coming from there.

He came back with a light purple blanket aka Karl's very favourite.

"Oh sugar it's ok" he spoke as Karl clung back onto quackity who quickly flushed the toilet rubbing Karl's stomach again.

Sapnap covered them in a blanket And they looked so adorable quackity softly comforting him.

Sapnap also had the cat stuffy that was hastily dropped, he handed it to him kissing his forehead. Quackity smiling at him.

Sapnap joined their hug snuggling into them.

" I love you guys" he whispered to them stroking Karl's hair.

Dia dhuit xx

Whooo another chapter doneee xx

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