weak ass stomach

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Requested by lovelydraconevile thank you so much x

Ever since karl was small he had an incredibly weak stomach. It was shocking some times for people when he realised how little he could take.

He told sapnap almost the second they had moved in as he literally got horrible food poisoning that day or well horrible for him sapnap had eaten the exact same thing but was completely fine.

Sapnap had taken Karl to doctors to make sure there was nothing else going on but they all said the same thing. Karl just had a weak stomach.

Literally any could make him throw up anything.

"sapnap that's actually so disgusting!" Karl screamed.as sapnap put ketchup on a piece of plain bread.

"Aww karlyy" he whined playfully putting the plate in Karl's face waving it around thinking Karl was joking.

"Sapnap no I'm actually going to be sick" he said closing his eyes trying to hit the plate away from him.

"C'mon Karl I promise it's good" he said showing it to him right in his face so he could smell it.

"Sapnap I'm serious" Karl said leaning against the counter to get it out of his face.

"Oh well if you're sure baby" he said taking a bite out of it. Karl gagged holding his stomach leaning over the sink.

"Wait oh my gosh you're actually serious ok, em C'mon in the bathroom C'mon" he said ushering him into the bathroom.

Karl leaned over toilet immediately throwing up.

"I'm so sorry love I thought you were joking" he said. "Sap I've told you before, I have a weak ass stomach" he whined.

"I know I'm sorry baby" sapnap apologised.

Sapnap rubbed his back for a good twenty minutes hating that he caused this for him.

"You good now love" sapnap asked Karl nodded hugging him tightly climbing onto sapnaps lap putting his head into his shoulder.

Even though he threw up all the time he was still never used to it.

Sapnap felt his shirt begin to get wet and he stroked Karl's back hushing him.

"It's alright hey it's ok don't cry" he said into his ear.
"I'm so sorry love I completely forgot" sapnap said still rubbing Karl's back.

"Let's clean you up a bit" sapnap said rubbing his thumb over Karl cheek who leaned into the touch.

"Ok" he said kissing his hand. Sapnap lifted him up onto the counter.

Sapnap took a tooth brush from in a cup beside the sink squirting a small bit of tooth paste onto it running it under the tap.

"Open please sweety" sapnap said as Karl did so lightly brushing his teeth letting him spit into he sink.

He gave him a cup of water and a few tablets as he had a headache.

"Do you wanna sleep?" Sapnap asked Karl nodding his head.
"Alright" sapnap said lifting him into their bedroom sitting on the bed with Karl still in his arms.

Sapnap leaned back and got under the covers with Karl.

"Night night my love" sapnap said holding him gently.

"Sapnap?" Karl mumbled. "Yes my love" he said stroking his head gently.

"Am I annoying?" Karl whimpered. "Of course not love why would you think that" sapnap said shocked by the question why would his amazing fiance think that.

"I-i just I'm not normal that shouldn't of happened" Karl whimpered.

"Karl? Baby no that was my fault I promise I shouldn't have done that to you" sapnap said rubbing is back.

Karl hummed in content snuggling up even closer to sapnap. Sapnap smiled at him kissing his head.

Words 420 Ik I'm sorry its short.

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