I'll take care of you

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Requested by Jinx_noxi <3

George and dream were in bed even though it was like 2 in the afternoon.  They were asleep well George was dream was there trying to keep George asleep.

The reason why is that George has a extremely weak as stomach and is showing all the signs of food poisoning.

He was paper white and his forehead was clammy he was tossing and turning a lot whining and holding his stomach.

Dream had gently lifted him onto his lap holding him tightly like a baby rocking him gently.

He knew it was a bad idea to let George eat dodgy pizza and now he was paying the price for it.

He was desperately trying to keep him asleep knowing it would be dreadfully painful for him otherwise.

"Uh dream" George mumbled. Dream sighed as his efforts went to waste. "I don't feel good" George whined putting his head into the nape of dreams neck. "I know love it's ok try go back to sleep" dream said.

George whined again holding onto to dreams tshirt. "If you're gonna throw up tell me ok" dream said calmly. "I don't knoww" George groaned.

"Make it stoppp" George whimpered. "I wish I could love I wish I could" dream said rubbing his stomach softly as it rumbled George digging his arms into it.

"Ahh" he cried. "I know just relax"dream soothed "dream!" He cried again. Dream grabbing the bowl from beside them they he had gotten just incase.

He slid it onto George's lap who gripped it tightly.

"You're alright my love" dream said as George leaned his head over it dry heaving until he finally threw up.

He threw his head back when he was done breathing heavily and groaning.

"That's ok love I'm gonna clean this out ok do you need to sit in the bathroom till I get back or do you think you're ok"

"Bathroom!" He cried out. "Ok ok come on come on" dream said guiding him out of bed sitting him on the floor In the bathroom.

Dream sprinted down the stairs into the kitchen. He cleaned the bowl out before getting water and some pain relief for him.

He put all the stuff inside the bowl carrying it up the stairs running into the bathroom.

"Dreamy" George cried. Dreams face softened, crouching down. "Aww is my baby feeling small you can slip if you need to my love" dream said watching as George's face saddened and his lips became pouty and his eyes glossed over.

"There's my sweet baby" dream soothed picking him up. "You done in here lovely do you want to go get changed into something a bit more comfy" dream asked as George nuzzles his head into dreams chest.

"I'll take that as a yes then" dream said kissing his forehead. He brought him too their room placing him on the bed.

"What colour onesie would you like sweety" dream said going to their wardrobe. "Pink!" Squealed the little boy.

"Oki dokie" dream giggled picking out a light pink onesie. He gently took off Georges nasty clothes putting on the pink onesie.

"All snuggly now huh" dream said blowing a raspberry into George's cheek.

George giggled quietly. Dream took out a pacifier from the drawer from beside the bed putting it in his mouth.

George's eyes immediately dropped and he became sleepy. Dream held him tightly whispering in his ears. As he drifted off.

Words 577
What do we think of this tried a knew style of writing for this that's why it a wee bit shorter.

Anyways as always my writers block is fucking awful -please leave me some requests. <3

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