physio and recovery

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Kinda part two to 'drunk drivers'

When they got in from the hospital sapnap wheeled quackity inside luckily the trio had a down stairs bedroom and bathroom that were both fairly spacious but unfortunately the bed was only big enough for quackity and one of his partners so they were taking it in turns to look after him for the night.

Quackity's back was still in excruciating pain everytime he moved.

He had countless physio appointments every other day and had made small improvements his first big mile stone was being able to lift his hands out Infront of him.

It was slow starting and definitely annoyed quackity that this was all he could achieve but seeing the proud looks on his partners faces definitely helped.

"Hmmmn" quackity moaned in pain waking up beside Karl who was in bed with him.

"Hey sh sh it's alright" Karl mumbled. "Karl hurts ow" he whined. "I know I know" Karl said holding his hand.

"Hmm!" Quackity moaned again. "Do you want to sit up baby" Karl asked. Quackity nodded.

"Ok C'mon put all your strength into it" Karl said guiding him up but it was mostly quackity.
"Well done babe so proud of you" Karl said kissing him gently propping him against the headboard.

"You alright" Karl asked. "Yep ah wheres sapnap" quackity winced. "I think he's making breakfast if you want to go have a look" Karl said

"Alright" quackity said. Karl jumped out of bed pulling the wheel chair over from the corner setting it beside the bed.

"Ok baby let me know if it hurts alright" Karl said gently picking him up gently. He set him so his feet would hit the floor for a second so he could stand supported for a second before Karl helped him sit down.

"You good there ducky" Karl asked leaning down slightly.
"Ye I'm ok" quackity said as Karl wheeled him into the kitchen. "Heyyy sweeties how are we this morning" sapaps said. "Were doing good a tiny bit of pain this morning but otherwise going strong" Karl answered for him and quackity smiled widely one of the first real smiles in while.

"Well that's ok C'mon I made cereal"

"Exactly who left it up to you to make breakfast" Karl asked rolling his eyes. "You did!?" Sapnap exclaimed pointing at Karl, quackity just laughed at there immaturity.

"Now C'mon!! Soggy cereal is ✨digustang✨" sapnap said in way he thought made him sound professional but quackity and Karl just burst out laughing again. Karl was rolling on the floor laughing as quackity wheezed loudly.

Until quackity was laughing a little to loud for his backs liking and it sent a wave of pain through his body. Sapnap and karl noticed how their lover went suddenly silent. Karl kneeled Infront of him as tears exploded in his eyes. One second laughing his ass off to crying in excruciating pain.

"Hey ducky look at me honey" Karl said holding his hands. "Sh sh sh everything will be alright ok it will pass" Karl said rubbing his thighs gently.

"Take some breathe love no one's rushing you" sapnap said calmly sitting beside Karl.

"Sorry ruined the moment didn't I?" Quackity sniffled. "No it's ok you didn't sapnaps just an idiot" Karl said in the same calm voice but put his hands up in defense knowing sapnap would blow up at him.

"Am not" "am to" they argued quackity just smiled at them too weak for much more.

After breakfast sapnap brought up the idea of doing some therapy exercises his physio said for them to do.

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