run away part 2

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Read part one if you haven't already!!!

The doctor called him into a room Karl and quackity helped him quackity carrying him into the room. The doctor motioned toward a bed and quackity set him down on it.

"Now I understand there is some knee pain aswell as a deep gash if I'm correct. "Yeah um I was running and I fell and I had to crawl  home" sapnap said his voice still cracking.

"I'm sorry to here that, was this today in the storm" the doctor asked. "Yes" he replied holding quackity's hand.

"Ok well just by looking at it I can tell that this needs stitches and a lot of work your knee on the other hand definitely looks broken if not in multiple places I'd say it will take some time to heal" he said moving it from from side to side.

"Ah ow" sapnap winced. Karl massaged his waist gently. "I'll go set you up in a ward upstairs and book you an x-ray alright" the doctor said.

Sapnap was wheeled into a ward upstairs thankfully there wasn't a whole lot of people there. He seemed embarrassed for the first time none the less ,Karl and quackity not entirely sure why, the doctors lifted him onto the bed. Sapnap had an uncomfortable look on his face the whole time.

"Darl are you ok" quackity asked. Sapnap didn't answer just shifted in his bed. "Babe? You alright" Karl said turning to him.

"We'll give you a moment" the doctor said turning around leaving the ward. "Sap it's just us now; babe?" quackity said. Putting a hand on his shoulder.

Sapnaps lip trembled and his eyes shut closed sobbing into his hands. "No, no no sweetheart please don't cry hey no no no" Karl said sitting Infront of him as quackity closed the curtains around his bed. "It's embarrassing"

"What's embarrassing hun" Karl said holding his hands. "They- they had to lift me I'm not a child I should be able to do stuff"

"Sweety youre hurt it's their job ok it's not embarrassing I promise nothing about this is embarrassing ok" quackity said holding his shoulders.

"My pour baby it's ok I promise it's ok" quackity said as he held sapnap gently.

"I'm so sorry for earlier babe that was really not fair on you ok I shouldn't have yelled its not even that big of a deal I'm so sorry" quackity apologised.

"I'm sorry too sapnap I shouldn't have joined in" Karl said hugging sapnap again.
"It's ok I forgive you" sapnap said quietly wincing as he moved closer to them.

"Your legs still hurt?" Quackity asked him. "Like a bitch" sapnap said. "I'm sorry here let's put it on pillows ok. Quackity said raising  his leg  putting a few pillows under it.

"Thanks" he said softly.

More doctors came back in to examine his leg.
They moved it around in different ways trying asking him if it hurt which they all did.

He threw his head back his head and hair were sweating and his eyes were watering.

"Owww" he cried out.

"Sweety it's ok it's all ok" Karl said holding his hand.

"We'll bring him down for x-rays now" the doctor said lifting sapnap out of the bed. "Can they come with us" sapnap asked

"unfortunately no they can't be in the x-ray room but you can see them when you get back" the doctor said wheeling him out of the room.


The three had to stay at the hospital for a couple of days after the x-ray just to monitor him and he had to get stitches on his leg.

His knee cap was broken in multiple places but luckily didn't need surgery which they were really happy about.

Leaving the hospital wall definitely a struggle though.

Sapnap was given a pair of crutches to use but had no idea how to use them it took him about ten minutes to walk down the corridor refusing the offer to be wheeled down.

They signed out at the door and the three walked well hobbled out into their car.

Karl gently helped sapnap into the seat getting in beside him putting his injured leg on his lap.

"I'm proud of you you've been coping do well" Karl says to him holding his hand.

"Thank you Karl that means a lot" sapnap said.

Karl nodded encouragingly looking forward. Quackity smiled at the two of them.

"We are home lovely's" quackity said as the two had fallen asleep.

Karl woke up but sapnap didn't exhausted from the past few days.

Karl scoffed playfully picking him up walking into the house setting him on the couch. Sapnap opened his eyes and looked at him.

"Hi Karly" he said a smile appearing. "Hey baby" he said back sitting beside him. Quackity came and sat on Karl's lap. Making the three of them giggle.

"Thanks for looking after me" he said. "No problem bubs!" Quackity said excitedly.

Sapnap hugged his fiance's tightly squeezing them tightly

Words 835 <3

Thanks so much for this request loved writing itt xx

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