
650 8 2

Tw vomit, concussion (obvs)

Requested by lovelydraconevile

George was currently around the age 2 just enjoying his regression he felt really fluffy and cuddly he wasn't sleeping but his eyes were closed and he was cuddled up on bed.

When George was little he seemed to attract a fear he had in his youth. Nyctophobia or the fear of the dark.

He was usually fine when he was big but when  he was small it was completely different story.

He had his nightlight on which were stars that covered his ceiling and shown bright enough that the room wasn't in total darkness.

But suddenly, just was he was about to fall asleep. The room went pitch black he shot up staring around. 'Did the power go out' he thought.

He stood trying to find the door. Tears in his eyes and he was whimpering loudly. "Daddy!" He called sprinting out the door into the dark hallway.

He ran down the hall trying to get to dream but his foot collided with a shelf and fell over head first onto the ground It making an awful slapping sound.

Dream came out next second with his phone flashlight as he was also heading to his room. "Darling" dream said as George burst into tears. The pain mixed with the fear making him have a full on meltdown.

"Oww dada oww!" George shouted holding his head kicking his legs off the floor. Wailing uncontrollably.

"Sh sh sh heyyy it's ok" dream said helping him sit up.

"C'mon babe there's light in my room" he said helping him up.

They walked into dreams room which was lit by his LEDs.
"Daddy hur's" he sobbed being placed down on the bed.

"I know I know" dream kissing the bruise on his forehead.

"Daddy ' dizzy" George said his head spinning. He sobbed more an icky feeling now growing in his stomach.

"What's going on" their other boyfriend sapnap said. "George hit his head poor thing" dream said sympathetically rocking George.

"Is he little" sapnap asked coming closer. "Yes he's like two I think" dream said.

George kicked his legs whining. "Not going 'way" he whined getting out of dreams arms.sitting on the floor and whining loudly.

"Baby I can't help you get better if your kicking can we use our words please" dream cooed.

"I feel sick dada" he whined. Sapnap and dream exchanged glances. "will I take him to the bathroom dream" sapnap asked.

"No it's fine C'mon honey- oh" dream started but George had already retched at the ground.

"Sap trash can!" Dream shouted. Sapnap threw the bin at him which dream caught setting it Infront off George.

"It's ok baby don't cry it will pass hun" dream said rubbing his back.

George spluttered again whining afterwards.

"OWw" he sobbed. "Are you finished baby can we take this away" he asked nodding to the trash can.

"Mhmm" he whined. "Ok it'll be here alright if you ever need it again" sapnap cooed sitting beside them.

"Hmm dada" George said leaning against him. "Yes love Dada's here"sapnap said giving him a kiss on the head.

"Here darling I'm going to get him some Tylenol then we can like cuddle or something"dream asked him feeling his rosy cheeks.

"Should we take him to the doctors" sapnap asked.

"No it's embarrassing" George through deep breathes.

"What's embarrassing love" sapnap asked. "They no' like littles"

"Oh baby no, the doctor knows all about little georgie" dream said putting the little on his lap.

"Otay" he sobbed hiccuping.

"Do you want to have a bath sweetheart" sapnap asked gently "get you nice and clean huh" he asked hoping the answer was yes.

George nodded pouting. Sapnap went to fill the bath as dream held George in his arms, George lying against his knee.

"Sh sh sh it's alright hun everything's ok" he cooed. "Dada? " George babbled. "Yes love"

"I wuv you" he muttered. "I love you too baby" he said holding the sleeping boy.

Sapnap called them in to go take a bath. Dream having to gently wake him up tapping his back lightly.

"Baby can you wake up please sapnap has a bath set up for you" dream said carrying him to the bathroom.

They set their little in the bath softly washing down his body as he played with some of the bath toys they had babbling along sometimes. Sapnap and dream thinking it was adorable to see.

Once George's eyes became lidded his caregivers took him out of the water carrying him into their bedroom making quick work of drying him off before changing him into a dark blue onesie that fit him perfectly. The other two snuggled up to him as he held onto them.

One small happy family.

Pls remember to leave requests. X

Words 805

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