sensory issues

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Age reggression


Quackity walked into the guest room where George was currently curled up sleeping snuggling into his toy octopus which he's hand since he was born it was a great comfort to him a big sign if you needed to tell if he was regressed or not.

"Georgie" quackity whispered. "Gogyy wakey wakey.

"Huh?! Papa" he mumbled excited to see quackity.

"Sí! mi amor"  quackity said picking him up cradling him.

"Let's go see what Dada's doing yeah?" Quackity asked and George slightly cheered clapping his hands

"Look who's awake" quackity exclaimed a few notes higher then his voice usually is."
He has a just woken up George in his arms who was still in his comfy onesie from the night before.

"Hey sweety" dream said walking over to him taking him from quackity.

He bobbed him up and down slightly.
"How old you feeling sweetheart"  dream asked. George held up one finger.

"Oh such a small baby ok how about I leave you with karly in the sitting room and I will make you some breakfast how does that sound" dream asked him still bobbing him once more.

George made an excited noise at the idea excited to hang out with Karl who was the best at playing games with him.

"Oh Karly" dream said walking in Karl's head shot up at once looking around confused until he saw the little george in dreams arms.

"Is it alright if I leave him with you" dream asked.

"Yes of course how old is he?" Karl asked. "He's one so not gonna get much out of him but wait actually I have his pacifier here" dream  remembered.

"Oh great" Karl said as dream set George on Karl's lap.

George making grabby hands at him. "Aww hi baby" Karl said.

Karl spent a while just kissing and cooing at the regressed man. Something along the lines of. "Who's the cutest baby in the world who's the cutest baby" he said his voice higher aswell while he tickled his stomach something that was starting to make George a little less at ease he didn't like it anymore but he didn't know how to say stop.

Sapnap walks in next second asking him he could watch the game. Karl said yes.

He walked over opening the curtains. George winced. 'to bright, to bright' George thought 'those cars are too fast' 'thats too loud' 'what is sappy yelling about' 'why is the tv so loud' 'why are my ears ringing' 'no! No make it stop make it stop I want dada stop!' Is all his brain could think.

George started to whine flapping his hands a bit. "Georgie?" Karl questioned.

"No! No!" George whined covering his ears kicking his legs. There was more shouts and loud cars from outside and George lost it he shot up from Karls lap screaming.

Karl panicked as it all happened so fast.

He was flapping his hands uncontrollably.

Dream heard George crying and sprinted in  to the sitting room his father instincts kicking in.

Immediately seeing what the problem was closing the back out curtains.

George was now on the ground hitting the floor I'm frustration he could still hear and see everything.

"Make it stop! Make it stop?" He sobbed. "Ok ok I will, just sit up for me please" dream asked but George didn't listen it was just another sound to him turning over and sobbing more seeing his care giver for the first time jumped up holding him tightly.

"Just let it out hun" dream said kissing his head.

Dream motioned to Karl to get his headphones.

Who immediately got up to get them.

Coming back holding the blue head phones.

"Thanks- look George baby look what Karl has" dream asked Karl put them on his ears. And they both watched as a Georges face softened a bit but was still crying.

Dream bounced him up and down lightly shushing him.

"I think it's time for breakfast what do you think its quieter in the kitchen anyways" dream cooed at the crying George but nodded anyway.

"Yeah come in baby" he said bringing him in there soot was just the two of them.

Words 700

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