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Ftm sapnap

Karl and quackity.

Sapnap was trans female to male he was considering bottom surgery but was scared of the complications and the possibility of having biological kids.

But he really wanted it see sapnap had endometriosis like how unlucky could he get just to torcher him even more.

His symptoms would include mad bloating, extreme cramps, back pain, headaches you know everything fun /J

And in extreme cases he'd get vomiting and this thing whee his body just couldn't move as it hurt terribly.

Unfortunately this was one of these days

Sapnap was in the bathroom when he looked down and saw the red pool below him.

He groaned and then it hit him he leaned over his stomach instantly feeling nauseous.

He desperately tries to keep his food down as washed his hands trying to find something to put on but couldn't.

He couldn't take it anymore and he ran out seeing Karl.

"Karly" sapnap said coming out of the bathroom he looked embarrassed.

"Yes love what is it" Karl asked seeing sapnap looking upset.

"Em I,-i started a-and oww oh my god" sapnap said doubling over in pain.

"Oh lord ok it's ok love" Karl said helping him stand.

Karl hugged him but noticed a large red patch on his sweat pants.

"Did you not put on a tampon babe" Karl asked sympathetically.
"Hurts too much" he whined. "Oh sweetie ok C'mon I'll put a protector on the sheet then we can lye in bed ok" karl comforted.

He went out to the cupboard in the hall where he met quackity coming out of the bathroom.

"Is it that time again" quackity asked judging by the red drops on the bathroom floor and a white faced Karl.

"Yep I'm afraid it is" Karl mumbled.

Quackity heard a loud whine from the bedroom seeing his fiance on his knees almost screaming.

"Oh lovely it's ok everything is fine alright" he said picking him up quackity also noticing the red mark that had spread to the floor.

Sapnap groaned when he saw it. "Come into the bathroom ok" quackity said carrying him there.

Quackity getting a clean pair of underwear out placing a thick pad inside.

*Do you wanna do this or will I?" Quackity asked sapnap who pointed at himself

"Ok love will I turn around"  he asked sapnap who nodded.

Quackity heard sapnap sobbing the whole time he was turned fighting the urge to turn around and hold him but sapnaps dysphoria was bad enough on these days do he would probably just make him feel worse.

"Oww" sapnap moaned "quackityyy" he whined tapping quackity's shoulder.

Quackity turned around. "Sweetheart hey its ok love its ok everything is ok my love" quackity comforted hugging him tightly. 

"i-it h-hurts" sapnap whined into his shoulder. 

next second karl came in holding saps favourite hot water bottle that was in the shape of a panda. 

"beds ready if you wanna come loves" karl said his hand on sapnaps shoulder. 

"is it dysphoria or pain love" karl asked as sapnap looked as if he couldn't hear him. 

after a little while of waiting for an answer quackity decided to answer. "bit of both im afraid mostly pain though dysphoria's only just kicked in" quackity said sadly . "baby" karl mumbled picking sapnap up carrying him to the bedroom setting him in bed.

karl kissed sapnaps forehead. "sh sh sh its ok its ok" karl said kissing his forehead.

karl gently placed the hot water bottle on his stomach sapnap groaned into the pillow he was ashamed of himself he was a man here is him crying over period cramps he hates this fucking disorder (like most people) he was a man normal men dont have to deal with this.

karl and quackity didnt have to deal with this why is he different.

sapnap leaned over his stomach and groaned loudly.

karl and quackity quickly shushed him showering him in kisses. as well as cooing in his ears.

he hated how they had to take care of him he didnt want to be looked after he didnt want to deal with this anymore. every. single. month.

"What do you need love" quackity asked.
"Nothing- I'm fi- ahh cramp" sapnap said trying to get out of bed but just falling to the floor on his knees.

"You haven't eaten yet maybe you should eat something" Karl said.

"O-ok" sapnap said struggling to stand. Karl held his hand bringing him to the kitchen.

karl pulled out a chair for sapnap to sit on slowly helping him sit down karl put his hand on his head ruffling his hair. quackity started to encourage him to eat some toast he had made previously. 

quackity literally had to feed it to sapnap so he eat it his hands firmly around his stomach. "ow cramp!" he said as he curled in on himself. 

"do you need pain killer mi amor" quackity asked sapnap almost screamed his answer at him. "yes!" he groaned.

quackity ran to get it throwing the pack to karl who gently put one in his mouth helping him drink water. 

"this fucking sucks" sapnap shouted his fist hitting the table. "i know it does love its really not fair on you" karl said holding his shoulder. 

"come on my love back to bed" karl whispered.

Going to Spain won't post for a little while.

Words 906

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