taking good care of him

421 4 3


Tw vomit,

Karl woke up in bed with his two beautiful fiance's who's arms were wrapped tightly around him.

He turned to see quackity whose eyes gently fluttered open, Karl smiled widely at him, running his hand through his hair placing it behind his ear.

"Good morning my love" he whispered kissing his forehead. "Good morning" Karl sang back kissing him gently.

Karl turned to his other partner. But something wasn't right, his cheeks were pink and he was sweating a lot.

"Baby?" Karl said, sapnap whined his eyes cracking open. "Mhhh" he groaned putting his head in Karls chest.

Karl sat up, looking over at quackity for help gesturing to the sick looking boy on his lap.

"Sappy, you ok?" quackity asked. "Mhm" sapnap said letting go of Karl getting up out of bed stumbling into the bathroom a few seconds later they heard the shower running.

"Is he ok" quackity asked. "I don't know he looked sick but I guess not" Karl replied getting up and changing.

Sapnap came out of the shower, quickly drying himself off and changing sitting down at the desk to dry his hair. He coughed loudly into his elbow groaning after it made his throat hurt.

"Sweetheart" Karl said crouching beside him.

"Are you feeling ok you look sick?" He said sapnap shook his head turning away to cough into his elbow.

"Are you sure baby you feel warm" Karl said feeling his forehead. "I'm fine I promise" sapnap said slightly hoarse.

"If you say so" Karl said. In actuality sapnap felt awful his stomach hurt as did his head and his throat was dry. But he promised his lover's they'd go to a shopping centre today and couldn't let them down.

"Are you guys ready to go" he croaked out.

"Yeah I guess" they replied.

They walked to their car the other two noticing how long sapnap was taking to go down a short flight of stairs.

Sapnap insisted he drove there even after his fiance's said they could.

The drive there seemed to make sapnap feel even worse. His stomach was growling in pain even with his arm wrapped around it.

He couldn't even think anymore, his headache was killing him.

Without thinking he let out a small whimper. Quackity who was in the front quickly whipped around noticing the state sapnap was in.

His face was red and dripping in sweat and tears, his eyes were bloodshot and slighty purple surrounding them. He was pale as a ghost and looked practically green.

"Baby come on you aren't well" he said. "I-i-m fine" he mumbled "pull over please" quackity said, "I'm fine bae" sapnap coarsed.

"I said pull over" quackity said sapnap quickly did. Quackity turned to him putting sapnaps head in his hands.

"Come on baby tell me what's wrong" quackity said Karl also leaning in to hear.

"Feel sick" sapnap mumbled in defeat. "Oh love you should've told us" quackity said rubbing his cheek. "We wouldn't think any less of you it's normal, we are going to take good care of you"

"Where does it hurt baby?" Karl asked. "My stomach and my head" sapnap whimpered.

"Ok my love let's get you home ok let me drive" quackity said then helped sapnap into his seat and he sat in the driver's seat.

Quackity's hand wrested on sapnaps soft thigh holding it tightly.

Sapnap curled up into a ball whimpering into his hand.

"Sap hey are you ok" Karl said leaning forward to talk to him as this had continued for almost 5 minutes.
Sapnap shook his head, "quackity can you pull over he's really not well" Karl said. Quackity pulled over and Karl got out running to sapnaps side opening his door and crouching beside him.

"Hey it's going to be alright, do you feel like you're gonna throw up" Karl asked him.

"I don't know" sapnap mumbled shifting uncomfortably. "Ok just relax ok how about we walk the rest of the way you're probably feeling a little travel sick as well, fresh air will be good for you" Karl said helping him out as he shakily got to his feet.

"C'mon let's go just take it slow" Karl said as they took one small step at a time going back to their apartment.

Karl helped sapnap into the lift and they went up stopping at their door which was unlocked.

They were met with a worried quackity standing at the island.

"Baby are you ok C'mon let's get you into bed C'mon" quackity said picking the sick boy up setting him on the soft mattress giving him some medicine to help.

Karl put a thermometer into his mouth letting it sit for a second waiting for it to beep,

Taking it out of his mouth once it did. "102⁰" he said. "What do you want to do my love" quackity asked.

"Sleep" he mumbled. "Ok how about we let you sleep for a bit ok and i'll be back in a minute" quackity said kissing his forehead.

Karl sat on the bed beside him as quackity went to go get stuff to take care of him.

"Karl?" Sapnap said. "Yes doll" Karl replied. "Can you hold me" he asked.

"Of course I can" Karl said picking sapnap up in his arm laying down in bed a bit more.

"You're really not doing well baby are you" Karl said nuzzling his nose into his. Sapnap shook his head.

"You can sleep now baby alright" Karl said stroking his raven coloured curls.

Sapnap closed his eyes as Karl sang a sweet song quietly to him.

Sapnap slept peacefully for a while Karl even sleeping for a bit until he was shaken awake by sapnap.

"Yes lovely what's wrong" Karl asked. "I feel really sick" sapnap said.

"What do you mean?" Karl said.

"I think I'm gonna throw up" sapnap panicked. "Ok sit up here I'll get you the trashcan" Karl said getting up taking it off of the floor giving it to sapnap.

"Just breathe it'll be ok baby" Karl cooed as sapnap threw up. Quackity came in from the loud sounds.

"Oh sweetie" quackity said sitting beside. "Gosh you aren't well at all" he said feeling his burning forehead.

"Quackity!" Sapnap whined.
"I feel really bad" he added.

"I bet you do take these" quackity said handing him some tablets.
"Thank you so much" sapnap said taking them with water. "Baby you know it's not embarrassing to be sick ok and you should've told us" quackity said.

"I know Its just- I promised to take you out today I didn't want to let you down" sapnap said looking down.

"Oh honey you couldn't ever let us down" Karl said. "If you're sick then you're sick we can do it next week" Karl suggested sapnap nodded.

"C'mon baby let's get you to sleep ok" he said snuggling into sapnaps chest as sapnap hugged him from the other side.

Words 1163❤️

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