milk challenge

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Requested by lovelydraconevile

Tw vomit (please dont read if you have emetophobia ❤️)

"You ready to start this challenge George" sapnap asked him.

"Sure" George mumbled not sure if it was a good idea to do it.

Sapnap had already set up his phone and was recording. George was nervous about this knowing it never really ended well for people who did it.

Sapnap started the intro putting on his expert YouTube voice. "Hey guys today me and George are doing the Mik challenge and seeing who could drink this pint of milk the quickest"  sapnap explained to the camera pausing it and setting up up the camera.

"Ok you ready George" sapnap asked him off camera. George nodded shrugging.

He stood In front of the camera as well as his glass of milk in front of  him.

"Ok ready, 1,2,3 go!"sapnap said already chugging down his glass as did George.

George put his glass down on the table his stomach already hurting. "Uhh my stomach hurts" he whined mostly for the cameras but it wasn't a lie.

Sapnap put his glass down as well.

"Oh my I'm gonna be sick" George whined. "You're fine C'mon" Sapnap said laughing at the camera before turning it off.

George doubled up in pain holding his stomach. Sapnap was still laughing thinking it was a bit.

"You're fine the camera's off" he said. "No sapnap" George groaned.

"Oh fuck, lovely it's ok" sapnap said crouching beside George who was on the ground at this point hugging his knees.

"Uhh it hurts" he whined.

"I'm sorry, are you going to be sick" sapnap asked. "Yes i-i think so" he mumbled.

"Alright come one come here" sapnap said carrying him into the bathroom.

"I'm sorry it was a stupid idea" sapnap said kissing Georges hair letting George do his thing while, George wiped his mouth with his sleeve turning to sapnap.

"It's ok I shouldn't have agreed" he said. "No love don't blame yourself, I won't post the video" sapnap said stroking his back.

"Do you want some water?" Sapnap asked him. "Yes please" George said. Sapnap quickly got up and went to go get a bottle of water coming back over to George.

"Here baby" sapnap said taking the lid off for him.

"Thanks" George said his voice was coarse and sounded like it hurt.

"No problem" sapnap said rubbing his back.

"Ok let's clean you up a bit" sapnap said picking George up off the floor onto the counter.

Sapnap washed his face with a cloth gently.

"Hmm kiss me" George whined. "No way George" sapnap said giggling. "I'll forgive you" he whined again.

"You need to brush your teeth first" sapnap said rubbing George's pale cheeks.

"Uhh you do it" he whined. "Stop being such a baby" sapnap said.

"I thought I was your baby" George said quietly in a mock puppy dog voice. "You're so stupid" sapnap said but yet was still in the middle of putting tooth paste on his baby's tooth brush.

George opened his mouth letting sapnap brush his teeth for him. "All done love" sapnap said kissing his head.

"Now can I kiss you" George asked.

"Of course" sapnap said. George leaned in pecking his lips.

Hope you enjoyed,sorry it took so long ❤️

Words 551

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