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Tw sh, relapse.

Age reggression

Requested by Alanapropps

Sapnap was in the bathroom alone. He needed to relapse all day he'd been battling depression secretly for almost a year. His fiance's kinda knew about it.

They had tried to get him to talk about several times. Why he was always in his room with the door locked, why he didn't eat from time to time or even why he was so down all the time. Sapnap always shrugging it off


It wouldn't stop bleeding it just kept pooling onto the floor.

"Stop no" sapnap cried trying to stop the bleeding but it kept spewing out of his arms.

He felt his head slowly go fuzzy. 'no nó i can't' he thought hitting his head already around the age of 6 or 7.

"Stawp p'ease" he cried his little brain not able to think of a way to stop the bleeding. He flapped his arms hoping it would do something.
He had almost completely forgotten why his arms were cut and why they were bleeding.

He pulled down his sleeve standing up.

Sapnap sprinted down the hall to where his caregivers were. They were streaming but he didn't really care he went over and sat on George's lap. "Papa" he whispered into his ear.

Chat already knew about their relationship but we're still spamming 'aws' as George looked up at Karl concerned.

Karl muted and turned the camera off. "Honey you alright" he asked moving him so they could see his face his glossed over eyes and pouty lips both indicates that he's little right now. He ended the stream.

"Sweety can you tell us what the matter is, why is Bubba sad" karl asked him as sapnap cried into George's arm. "I did something bad, hurts!" He whined at them.

"Alright do you think you are able to explain more sugar" George said bouncing sapnap on his knee.

"It's real bad!" He sobbed. "Sh sh sh it's ok relax there honey". "Can you show us where the pain is" karl asked sapnap shuck his head.

"C'mon babe we want to make it better alright show dada please" karl asked him again.

Sapnap rolled up his sleeve revealing a mass of self inflicted cuts running up it some old and some still bleeding.

"Babe?" George said looking up at karl his eyes glossing over they expected literally anything but this.
"Sugar is there anything upsetting you, you can tell dada and papa"

Sapnap shuck his head nothing when he was small anyways he didn't know why his arms were cut.

"Ok sweety you know how we say it's not ok to hurt ourselves" karl asked sapnap nodded.

"Well we are going to have to have a big conversation with big sapnap alright when he's ready" karl said trying to keep in mind that he was talking to someone with the headspace no older than a toddler.
Which was specifically hard as he was now dealing with something incredibly serious that he wanted to discuss with sapnap but knew he couldn't as sapnap was far too young and probably couldn't remember why he had done it.

"Otay" sapnap sobbed clinging onto the George's neck with his arms. "Sweety can we clean your arms please" karl asked sapnap shuck his head knowing it would hurt.

"C'mon baby we need to you can hold papas  hand" karl said looking at George who nodded.

"Otay I guess pwomise it won't hu't" he asked pouting with huge eyes. "I promise"

Karl slowly cleaned off his arms as sapnap just babbled to George playing with his hand as George tried to stay happy for him.

Karl kissed his arm letting him know he was done he had wrapped it in a bandage that was tied into a bow at the end.

"Dada?" Sapnap babbled at George. "Yes my love"

"I'm sad" he said pouting.

"Why you sad sugar" George said bouncing sapnap on his knee noticing how his eyes started tearing up again. "I don't know I don't know!" he sobbed.

"Thats alright sometimes we are upset and don't know what about it's ok, can you tell us a bit more of what happened we might be able to make you feel better" George said.

"Scarwy" he mumbled "I don't know what happened" he mumbled picking at the bandage.

"I know that's ok love it's ok now we are so glad you came and told us yeah" George said kissing his head.

"Can I have paci p'ease" he whimpered. "Of course my love" George said taking one from the bedside table.

Sapnaps eyes were droopy and the other two noticed thinking it was time to take the little up for a nap hoping he'd wake up big enough to have a chat about this who situation.

Sapnap started to stir slightly and awoke next to karl and George who were both looking at him.

"Hey love how old are you feeling" George asked putting a hand in his hair. "Er- normal I think" sapnap said sitting up rubbing his eyes.
He noticed the bandage on his arm. "Oh em did i-?" He started George and karl nodded their heads.

"Oh" sapnap said curling in on himself "I'm so sorry" he said tears falling. "Were not mad baby" karl said as sapnap let a small sob escape his lips "Baby don't cry please don't cry you're ok you're ok"George said.

"I never should have done that I'm so sorry now " he ranted.

He cut himself off as he could barely breathe anymore. Breath coming in in fast paced gasps. "Sh sh breathe lovely breathe" George said.

"It's not w-working I-i can't" he sobbed.
"Sh sh sh hey it's ok no one's mad babe" Karl said holding his hand. Sapnap slowly nodded his head breathing in and out deeply.

"There you go sweetie" Karl soothed. "Now do you want to talk about it love no pressure if you can't we completely understand" Karl said.

"I-i have d-depression I'm sorry I didn't tell you when you asked I was scared and it's the reason I don't eat or sleep sometimes I'm sorry" he whimpered falling into Karl chest who immediately wrapped his arms around him.

"There there baby" Karl said rocking him.
"I cut sometimes it used to be worse I was just having a complete breakdown and it just happened" sapnap sobbed.

"That's understandable love, you can tell us anything when ever you like, I want you to come and get us ok when ever you feel like doing that again ok we can help" George said to him gently.

"Thanks guys I-i will" he sniffled.

"Of course" they both said hugging him tightly.

Words 1125
Sorry I know I took dream out of this requests it's just I simply don't want to write about him anymore just the whole situation right now and stuff.

Hope you understand if you've requested something with dream in it I'll still do it but he'll be taken out and obviously pls don't request anything with him in it. Because I will just ignore you.

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