air sick

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Tw vomit, airsickness

The plane was bumpy and I mean bumpy.
To a regular person this wouldn't be seen asuch of an inconvenience. But to certain people it definitely was.

Quackity had had the worst airsickness ever since he was three and four years old when he went on a plane for the first time.

His partners Karl and sapnap who were oblivious. Bouncing in their seats playfully with the swaying plane.

Quackity and sapnap were in two seats on one side Karl sitting in an empty row across from them.

Quackity whined softly putting his head on sapnaps shoulder.
"You alright babe, are you tired?" Sapnap said smiling brushing his hair out of his face.

"I don't feel well" he whined putting a hand on his stomach. Sapnap turned to him quickly looking at him, he looked fairly pale, almost green looking.

"Oh sweetheart is it from the flight?" He asked quackity nodded whimpering.

"Ok do you think water will help" sapnap asked. "Maybe" quackity muttered rubbing his stomach.

Sapnap handed him his water helping him drink some. Quackity took some and gagged slightly afterwards sapnap rubbing his back.

"That help?" Sapnap asked. Quackity shook his head rubbing his stomach.

"What's going on?" Karl asked. "Quackity feels sick I was wondering if water would help but it doesn't seem to have" sapnap said rubbing quackity's back.

Quackity put his head in his hands letting out a cry.

"Sweetheart it's ok, are you nauseous?" Sapnap asked.

"Very" quackity muttered. "I think I'm gonna be sick-" he said panicking his hand clasped to his mouth.
"Karl did you bring those plastic bags" sapnap asked.
"No I thought you did" Karl replied. Sapnap pressed the call bell and a flight attendant came out for them.

"Can we have a plastic bag he's not feeling great" sapnap said. "Sure" she said handing him one, smiling then walking off.

"In here ducky ok its ok" sapnap cooed rubbing his back as quackity gagged, Karl stood up and stood in front of them to give him so privacy.

Quackity retched pulling the bag up higher. "Sh sh sh it's ok it's ok" Karl said as quackity let out a whimper, spluttering again.

"Oww Karly" he whined quietly. "I know I know" Karl said.

"I feel so bad" he cried. "I bet you do" sapnap said as Karl went to go find somewhere to putthe plastic bag.

"We'll be landing in an hour and a half so not too long" he said kissing quackity's forehead.

"Do you want cuddles?" Sapnap asked. "Yes please" quackity said crawling onto sapnaps lap.

Quackity burried his face into his shoulder.

"I love you baby" sapnap said massaging his back. Quackity let out another loud whimper rubbing his stomach.

An hour passed and quackity just felt worse and worse the plane was shaking worse than ever and quackity was trying really hard not to throw up again

"I need to get off this flight" quackity muttered Fanning his face with his hands.

"Is it that bad q?" Sapnap asked. "Mhm" quackity cried. Sapnap looked over at Karl who gestured to the window.

"Would closing the blind help?" Sapnap asked. "No- o-ow I feel so sick" he muttered.

Sapnap put his arm around him letting him lean against him as the plane began to dissent.

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