celiac disease

228 8 0

Tw vomit, allergic reaction.

Not a request.


Celiac disease is where the body is physically not able to digest foods with gluten in them and can cause extreme stomach cramping, bloating, vomiting and a lot of other symptoms if gluten is digested.

Quackity had been diagnosed with celiac disease since he was nine years old after he repeatedly would feel sick every time he ate.

It had affected his life quite a bit. As he couldn't eat a lot of things but fortunately he had landed with the best husbands he could ask for and they made a rule never to bring anything with gluten in it into the house.

Restaurants are a different problem however they sometimes don't separate their fryers even after they said they do, cross contamination is a big risk and is half the reason why people with celiac disease don't go out.


It was currently the trio's one year anniversary and Karl had come up with a big surprise for them.

"Hey guys I found a really nice restaurant for us to go to" Karl said. "Oh my god thank you" sapnap said.
"Is it gluten free?" Sapnap added. "They do options and separate everything" Karl said smiling.

Quackity smiled as well hugging the two. "I'm excited!" He squealed. "Go get ready then!" Sapnap said pushing his lover's, up the stairs as they laughed. The three got dressed all fancy for their night out.

"Ok what do you think" Karl said he'd been sitting in his make up chair for the last 25 minutes not letting the others see his work.

He turned around and the other's mouths fell open.
"Oh my gosh you look gorgeous baby" quackity said kissing his cheek.

"Shit that's my husband" sapnap said admiring his perfect partner. Karl stood up his heals making him look a lot taller then he was.

He had a tight black dress on and looked stunning. Sapnap put his hands on his hips "I love you" he said kissing him gently.

"Ahm" quackity coughed Karl scoffed then kissed him as well.

"We love you too" Karl said taking their hands leading them downstairs.

They got into sapnaps car quackity in the passenger seat and Karl in the back.

"I looked at reviews and there's nothing bad about the gluten free food" Karl said excitedly as they arrived.

They walked into the place the waiter finding them a seat. It wasn't particularly fancy the place it was an Italian restaurant painted dark blue and decorated with plants and paintings

They all ordered pizzas quackity specifically asking for it to be gluten free. The waiter didn't seem to know what he was talking about which was a bit if a red flag do he pointed to what he wanted.

When the food arrived quackity looked at it suspiciously it looked the exact same as Karl and sapnaps.

"Are you sure this is gluten free?" Quackity asked the waiter always liking to check before.

"Eh yep" the waiter said she seemed slightly annoyed. "Ok thanks" quackity said fake smiling.

Quackity looked up concerned at the other two.
"It looks ok to me" sapnap said. "Are you sure?" Quackity asked. "Yeah look it's ok" Karl said showing it to him.

"If you say so" quackity said starting to eat his food with the other two.

It only took a few minutes for quackity to realise there was something off about that pizza

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