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a visitor

IT TOOK TWO more days before Thana was allowed to walk again, which meant she would be allowed to leave the sterile room

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IT TOOK TWO more days before Thana was allowed to walk again, which meant she would be allowed to leave the sterile room. She had conversed a lot with Jack during those days that seemed to go on and on. She was terribly lonely. She couldn't believe that Rohan or Johanna didn't even sneak into her room, how strict could district 13 be that they wouldn't allow her to see her comfort people. The girl who stole her heart, the girl who never left her thoughts. No, Johanna would've burst through the doors. That is if she is still alive of course.

Jack told her everything would turn out fine, that she would be fine. But that is hard to believe when you have survived not only one, but two hunger games. Especially since she lost her brother right before her eyes. Her little brother who she had to protect but failed to do so. No, this negative thinking doesn't help, Thana knows that. But that is easier said than done when you are alone with on and off contact with a dead person. Thana is suffocated by loneliness. She has become loneliness. That when her mother used to say: with how impatient you are, you will become the death of me and many more. No, Thana always expected to become death, something that always grew in the back in the mind and was increased by her games. She had killed, her hands are red by the blood spilled. No, but maybe she is both. Both loneliness and death. Or maybe loneliness is just a part of death, and it had always been in her. Either way, Thana feels as if she is going mad, as if she is being suffocated by her own thoughts.

"Miss Jardin," The same doctor beckons her to follow her as they reach the as sterile hallway. "Your presence is asked in the room on the very end." She smiles kindly at the younger woman, "I'll walk with you to the door and then I shall bid my goodbye."

"Well than I thank you for all your care," Thana smiles kindly at the doctor, "doctor...?"

"Doctor Marly Sanderson," the blonde doctor introduces herself, "I am sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself."

"It is alright," Thana shakes her head slightly, "I probably wouldn't have remembered your name seeing the state I was in."

Now it is the turn of Marly to smile at the girl. "I happy to see you in such good spirits though, I was afraid you wouldn't make it."

"I am glad I made it," Thana smiles brightly, "I still want to achieve so much in my life."

"And I am sure you will," Doctor Sanderson says, "eventually everything will fall into its place again. That always happens."

"I know," Thana studies the white hallway, there is no irregularity showing that anyone lives here. "Seeing as it isn't that far away anymore, will I see Rohan again in there?" Uncertainty starts to settle itself into Thana's bones. Everything since she woke up is a little strange, a gut feeling tells Thana not everything is right.

The doctor's lip becomes a thin line, "I have no idea if I am being honest. They don't tell me a lot." She shakes her head, "but I am sure everything will clear up after your talk."

"I do hope so," Thana sighs, "I feel so lonely, I just want to see someone familiar again."

"Of course," Marly smiles at the victor. "I wish you the most of luck," the smiles aone more time as she opens the door, "goodbye."

"Bye," Thana says unsure, "and thank you for your care again." Nodding once more at the woman before stepping fully into the room.


Dread seeps into Thana's veins as a familiar smell enters her nose, she shivers slightly. She would in fact be meeting someone familiar, but that someone isn't someone she wants to see.

"Miss Jardin," the accent echoes through the victor's head, "please take a seat."

"President Snow," Thana nods and smiles at him before taking a seat opposite of him. "To what do I owe to pleasure to see you?" Thana is sure he can hear her brain work, hear it trying to make a story to get her out of whatever is happening.

"I am sure you already know, Thana," he looks at her pointedly, raising his eyebrow at her.

Thana chuckles awkwardly, "well seeing as I don't remember the ending of the games, I would assume I won, but I don't remember any of this happening last time. Besides, where is Rohan?"

"I think you can tell me where your mentor is?" Snow's smile becomes menacing.

"Excuse me?" Thana plays the innocent and unknowing girl she always has been in the Capitol. "If he is not in the tribute center, how am I supposed to know where he is. I had no contact with him, remember, I was in the arena?"

"You have no memories of a plan?" Snow investigates the victor, knowing she is hiding things. "I know you know things." He straightens his back even more pressing on a button, "please let Mr. Wells in." His eyes lock with Thana in hopes of getting a reaction.

"Who is Mr. Wells?" Thana asked confused not getting a reaction she goes on. "I am sorry President Snow; I have no clue what is going on."

A man, Thana would say around 10 years older than her enters the room. He is wearing a dark suit that contrasts with the whole room.

"You asked for me, Mr. President." The man, Mr. Wells nods to the man.

"Yes," Snow looks right into Thana's confused eyes. "I want you to take her to room 1004."

"President Snow," Thana starts her sentence, "can you please explain what--"

"No," The snake like voice of Snow interrupts her, "you've had your chance to talk."

"Talk about what?" Thana desperately tries to elongate stay in the room.

"Mr. Wells will help you with that," The president leaves his seat, walking over to Mr. Wells. "Don't take it easy on her," he says to him, "I want to know everything."

"Of course, Mr. President," Mr. Wells bows his head slightly as Snow leaves the room.

"No, no, no!" Thana begs, "please don't go away."

"You made your choices," The president says looking into her eyes, "these are your consequences."


nora speaking here!

yeah, our girly ended up in tha Capitol. It is something I have always known since the story idea came to mind. I even had a version in which Latif survived and ended up in district 13. but as we all know, he didn't make it.

I am working hard on writing chapters (but also for my study, because it is very time consuming), and seeing as how hard it is to write chapters as we all know the things the victors go through there is a lot... I just want to apologize in advance if I am not updating 1x a week

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