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the new treatment of the Capitol

the new treatment of the Capitol

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ROOM 1004, A room next to room 1002 and across from 1003. Mr. Wells had said that she was the last to join and the other three rooms were already occupied for a day. Thana easily understood what to expect from Snow. She would be tortured for information on the plan of the victors who escaped the Capitol after the games. And undoubtedly, she was here with the ones who didn't get out. She silently begs for Johanna and Finnick to be safe from the Capitol, safe in district 13.

Thana's room, room 1004 is another sterile room, it holds a very small and hard bed, a sink, and a toilet. The luxury the Capitol once represented blown away with these essential things only. Thana has never been in the small prison with a few cells under the justice building in district 9, but something in her tells her that they are even worse than her room. That those cells are smaller, colder, grimmer, and dirtier.

With a push, Mr. Wells pushes the just healed girl into the room. Thana winces as she falls hard at the unexpected force the man used. Behind the man, the door closes. Thana sees that close to the ceilings there are small openings on 3 sides. The lights seem the flicker a little bit as Mr. Wells comes closer to the fallen girl. Not soft yellow light that she is used to and comes from candles, no bright white lights which are a signature of the Capitol. White lights that always blind her, always pushed into her face for pictures, always lighting her up on stages. Always on by the streets in forms of billboards who usually bear hunger games propaganda or victors.

"Get up," The man spits in her face. Thana slowly pushes her body up to stand. "Good," the man continuous. "I am Luke Wells, but you will call me Mr. Wells. Understood?" Thana quickly nods at the man, he isn't taller than her, but he feels so much larger than her. "Good," the man says again, "I will come for a visit a few times a day." Mr. Wells briefly looks at his watch with a smirk, making Thana's hand go to her neck, where her pocket watch is missing. The pocket watch she handed to Beetee for their plan... her precious gift from her father, Thana hopes it is safe with Beetee in district 13. Waiting on her, waiting to return to the Jardin family. "These visits might increase, unless you start to talk."

"Talk about what?" With a smack, Thana lands on the floor again. Her question still echoing through the room.

"You know on what!" Mr. Wells stands threateningly above the victor, "your victor status is worth nothing in here!" He motions for the girl to get up again. "So, let's start again." He circles Thana as if he is a vulture. "I see Doctor Sanderson did a good job on patching you up." He nods slowly, "if you don't talk, it will be all for nothing."

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