s(he's gone) insane

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I had a mental breakdown writing last chapter.

Anyway, you guys will get to briefly meet Kayla in this chapter so yay.

Raph is about to swear a lot so brace yourself



A purple mask drifted down from the sky, along with millions of glowing specs of dust. For a second, nobody could breathe.

It began to rain, almost as if somewhere, somebody had heard the mutant turtle take his last breath.

April hovered, unfazed, not even noticing that there was no more Donatello. Not even caring. She let out a cry of triumph, and lightning struck through the sky, running along the tv tower, sending the turtles and Casey flying back onto the rooftop. April vanished, leaving the storm to brew above them.

Raph could only watch as all of this unfolded. "She's gone," he breathed, rain pattering on his face as he looked up at the lightning filled sky, his chest tightening. "What do we do, Leo?"

Leo didn't respond. Raph couldn't take it. It was one of those moments where the brain couldn't load. He couldn't comprehend that Donnie- Donnie was-

His brother's mask landed in his hand. "What... what just happened? Is Donnie... gone?"

He stared at the eyemask, his heart thudding.

"Poor Donnie," whimpered Mikey, tears in his eyes as he looked down to the roof. 

Leo sank to his knees.

"I, what... NO!" Raph exclaimed, tears sparking in his vision. "No, no, no, no, that didn't happen! That didn't happen!" He felt the tears mix with the rain on his cheeks. "The-there's no way!"

Leo looked up, his eyes red. "He's gone."


Mikey stood in the corner of Raph's vision, shaking and trying to wipe his tears.

"RAPH, HE'S GONE. HE'S DEAD!" screamed Leo.

"NO!" Raph screamed back, his vision swaying. "NO FUCKING WAY!"

"You're scaring Mikey," Casey said softly, trying to touch Raph to calm him down. Raph lashed out, hitting him across the face so hard that the tears in Casey's eyes escaped."OW!"

"FUCKING STOP!" screamed Leo, suddenly up and raging. "JUST- STOP."

Casey staggered back, but Raph held his ground.


Leo started shaking. "I know Raph, I- I know, but it wasn't April-"

"Goddammit, it was!" He kicked a puddle up, wishing he could hit something- or someone. "Where is she?"

Casey moved in front of him, hockey stick out. "You touch April, I'll kill you."

"OH YEAH?" Raph screamed, his voice breaking. "JUST LIKE APRIL KILLED DONNIE?"

Mikey started bawling, sinking to his knees and hugging himself.

Casey grit his teeth. "This isn't all about you!"

"No! It's about D-Donnie. You fucking bastard, move. I'm going to kill you-"

Casey tackled him to the ground, and suddenly Leo was helping him. This felt like a betrayal. They pinned an arm each to the ground.

"D-don't you guys care?"

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