don't let him fall

7 1 13


I love this chapter fr

So guess what my dudes? I almost forgot to have an unnecessary life or death situation to move two characters closer together. I fixed my mistake. AHAHAHAHAHA.

Kaylatello is starting to feel more real and I also put some things from earlier chapters in here as light bulb moments and it's epic fr...

Enjoy :D


Okay, this was completely unhinged, even for Casey Jones.

Because last time he checked, the Kraang droids didn't have red eyes.

Although he was partly colour blind and the difference was kinda subtle, he could tell the difference between 'alien tech pink' and 'demonically possessed red'.

He gripped his hockey stick tighter as he dodged bullets at rapid speed, his companions doing the same around him. April deflected every bullet of... red light or laser or whatever- with her tessen, her movements fluid like water, her eyes full of light and victory as she sliced through any that got close enough.

A Kraang droid was in his face. He blinked, stepping back and letting out a small yelp as it raised its gun right in his face, about to fire.

Kayla, a blur of steel, knocked the droid to the ground with a flying kick, stabbing it straight through the 'heart' (more like brain). She pulled out the gore-covered blade as she glared at him. "Focus, Jones."

"Alrighty, Smurfette."

He turned his attention back to the ten trillion bots trying to end them.

He could see Donatello wielding a bo-staff like a legend. That was no surprise, considering their Donatello also favoured the weapon. But one thing the infamous Eviltello didn't do was use it like an extension of himself. He had too much tech for that.

But Donnie was using the staff and knocking down bots faster than he could think without Wake Up. And his eyes... they were white. That was a turtle thing he'd seen with the others when they'd gone all stealth mode, which normally meant he was dead meat. It sent shivers down his spine.

Oh, right. Bots.

He raised his hockey stick just in time to deflect a headshot from a bot standing to his left. "Ahaha, nobody hits the great Casey Jones-"

They all froze. Every single last bot.

Kayla finished stabbing through one, looking around in confusion at the sudden lack of activity. "What's... happening?"

Casey found his own face echoing that confusion. "I don't know..."

And suddenly there was a noise like no other. A ringing, screaming sound that filled their heads so fast he could do nothing but clutch his head in pain.

Everyone around him was doing the same, holding their hands over their ears and gritting their teeth as the noise only got louder, more piercing.

And then...

Red light. Glowing in a circle around them.

"Motherfuckers, what-"

He sucked in a breath, scanning every Kraang droid as they all stood deadly still around them in a circle.

And then the bullets started flying again.

This time they couldn't dodge.

He was hit with an onslaught of light bullets from all angles, sending pain up the back of his left arm and into his shin. He let out a cry of alarm, swinging his hockey stick at the seemingly endless Kraang attackers, but this caused more bullets to find their mark. He staggered, his knee buckling slightly.

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