familiar tone of denial

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Hey everyone, it's time for OC overload. Well, only one more this chap but tbh I just have a lot of OCs and I want to use them rather than leaving them on paper forever.

And besides, I want complex lore for no reason.

If anyone is triggered by ptsd (damn how have you made it this far) or large amounts of blood (don't panic yet, see this is why I never normally leave TWs) then this chapter will be fun for you.

I am sorry for my obsession with making Casey bi in every damn dimension.

I ReLaTe aLrIgHt

Anyways, enjoy this chapter :)


A perfect punch hit squarely on the practice bag, sending it flying so hard that the picture of Donatello fell off it, drifting to the ground.

Leonardo gritted his teeth, feeling blood rush to his fingers as he swung another punch. This time it sent the bag off the chain, flying to the floor of the practice dojo. It landed just to the right of that smirking picture.

He sighed.

"Training again, Leonardo?" said a smug voice from the doorway.

Leonardo, without turning around, said "Raphael. Are you here to mock me, or defend Donatello?"

His voice sounded grim as he said, "Neither. Look, I just wanted to tal-"

Faster than lightning, he threw a shuriken at the door frame, narrowly missing his brother's head. He narrowed his mutagen-green eyes, pulling out the throwing star. "Is this the best you can do?"

Flashing a wicked grin, he replied, "not even close."

Raphael rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say. I wanted to ask you about the plan."

Leonardo stiffened. "You know as well as I do that the plan is on halt until we kill Donatello."

His brother of nothing more than blood shuffled his feet. "Do you really think that-"

"QUIT QUESTIONING ME!" He snapped, something feral awakening in his chest. "Do you know how hard I'm working here?"

"The plan won't work without Donatello, asshole."

"So this is about him? Knew it."

"And? So what if it is-" he paused suddenly. "Goodbye for now, Leonardo."

Leonardo watched as he left the room, something off about him.

He knew he should follow, but he'd had enough of Raphael's weakness when it came to his brother. Their brother.

Almost instantly, Michelangelo rounded the corner. "What's up?" He asked, moving to the wall with the nunchucks. "Raphael get on your nerves again?"

"No," he said, grinding his teeth as he looked at his younger brother. "I was thinking."

"About what?"

Feeling his gaze turn ice cold, he looked straight into Michelangelo's eyes in a way that made most people shiver.

But Michelangelo wasn't most people. He was the only person here he could actually trust, even including Master Oroku Saki. And himself.

A brother he considered to be more than just blood.

"Do you think that'll scare me? Never has."

"I know... look, the plan. We need someone who understands how portals work."

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