metaphorical smoke (and problems)

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Stuff is about to get real, buckle your seatbelts.

Eviltello gets emotions! (yay?) and Kayla and Donnie wish they didn't have emotions (bruh istg) aND LeOnArDo Is ObLiViOuS.

As you may have noticed, I have two kinda plots going on, one in D#1! (canon tmnt dimension) and D#2! (the "dimension" Donnie is currently in.) I figured I might need to clear some stuff up about how all that works.

Basically, Kayla and these other people travel through a weird space in their subconsciousness, which leads to the void, and from there they end up in D#2!. They all have something in common that makes them able to do so, which I am not revealing. Others (for example, Casey, the turtles and April) have alternate versions of themselves, much like everyone else on Earth. They are not the same person as their other self, and may vary slightly or drastically. They don't always end up with the same person either. Hope that helps to clear it up.

I won't ramble on for too much longer, but moral of the story is Authors Are Evil and I have all the power here ;)



The tension in the room could cut steel. Leo barely knew what it was even about, but he felt inclined to be annoyed.

That is, if he wasn't worried sick about everyone and everything around him.

"So the question is, how can we return Chompy to his mum before she gets to earth?" He asked his brothers, hoping for some suggestions. Even as leader, this was way out of his depth. They'd fought entire alien races, but returning a little turtle seemed ten times more dangerous.

Because that made sense.

Donnie coughed. "We could steal a ship from somewhere?"

"There's always Kraang stealth ships... never mind, the military seized them all." Leo sighed. "Where can we find Kraang stealth ships?"

"TCRI?" Casey offered, but he looked somewhat wary as he said it. Although he was acting normal now, he was still skeptical of both his brother and Casey after the stuff they said earlier. "And if there's one place we're good at breaking into, it's TCRI."

Leo felt a smile spreading across his face. "Casey... that's a great idea!"

"It is?" Casey asked, sounding relieved.

"Wow. Casey had a good idea! It really is the end of the world," Donnie said. His eyes were cold, and there was no teasing in his tone.

Raph looked up from where he sat, fire filling his gaze. And the target was Donatello. What had happened between his brothers?

Why weren't things alright anymore?

His head was spiralling, down, down, so far he couldn't see the light.

"Donnie?" he said, unaware he'd been intending to speak until he did. "Look, I know I haven't been the most... compassionate person since we got you back..." his palms were sweating and his knees felt kind of weak. "But we're all here for you, okay?"

Donnie looked slightly surprised as he looked at Leo, which caused that pit in his stomach to widen. He knew everything was wrong but he had no idea what, and it was starting to feel as though he was the only person unaware.

Mikey looked at him with a sad smile. His younger brother seemed to have grown mentally older in the last few days, more than he had in years. He wished he could bring back some of that innocence, he wished the world wasn't so fast to snatch everything away. But the only other time they'd come really close to losing a brother, it was him in a coma. This time they did.

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