you were so vibrant

7 1 15


This is basically me writing a bunch of words (naturally)

Sorry for any errors (esp translation issues) and short a/n I'm short on time


He could see a blurring yellow above him. Such a strange colour when you could barely cling onto consciousness. Too bright. Yet somehow cheery.

Mikey could feel his head spinning like a merry-go-round. He closed his eyes for a minute, looking up at the yellow. They formed figures.

People. All wearing creepy yellow scientist suits.

Leaning over him like he was some sort of specimen.

The cold press of metal against his neck made him jump a little. He realised within seconds that he was held down on a strange table by metal restraints at his chest and neck.

He screamed, his throat burning, a sudden panic rising.

They seemed to pay him no heed as he thrashed, trying to escape the dizzying feeling and the sickening coolness of the metal.

Beside him, he could hear Casey. He almost sobbed in relief. He sounded calm. Maybe he should be calmer too.

"I'm telling you, I have no idea who this mutant is."

That was weird. He frowned a little, closing his eyes. He must be dreaming. There was a dense fogginess in his mind that seemed to dull the way he thought.

Was there some sort of smoke bomb before?

Whatever was in that thing must be messing with his brain meat.

A stern voice replied to something Casey must have said. "What is your relationship to this mutant?"

His mind was floating on a cloud. How had Casey not taken in as much of this stuff as he had?

"I said, I don't know him," Casey said, with no emotion.

He felt his stomach flip. Maybe... maybe this was real. It felt so real that he wanted to curl up into his shell and hide for a while. He seemed to find his voice. "Casey... help... me..."

They were snapping on extra gloves, the people in yellow. The sound managed to sound a lot like breaking bones.

He dislocated his arm once, when he was seven years old. He tried skateboarding in the lair for the first time. Donnie, who was also seven, was the only one who was able to put it back into place properly. He'd thrown up afterwards.

Splinter had banned skating in the lair shortly after.

He felt himself shaking in his restraints. That hasn't stopped him from doing it numerous times after. Did he ever learn?

Why did it seem to matter so much?

"I'm getting nowhere with this kid. Maybe we can learn something from the mutant alien."

Mikey's head hurt so bad. He whimpered a little, trying to breathe as he struggled against the bars. Casey wasn't going to help him."Can... we... can we talk about... this dudes?"

They moved slowly and methodically, attaching strange tubes to his temples.

Some sort of breathing mask was lowered onto his face.

His eyes widened as he screamed into it, thrashing so hard he knew he would bruise later, not caring because this was wrong wrong wrong-

They held him down.

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