how could I not?

5 1 18


This chapter is pretty good, I enjoyed writing it, even though I had to borrow a little bit more canon so I can rest in peace

Fear not.

This will be worth it. Kaylatello is starting to exist *Laughs insanely*

ANywAyS enjoy :)


Kayla looked tense and worried. It was a subtle observation, but somehow it held a lot of importance in his racing mind. She was biting her lip, eyes fixed on the floor as if very deep in thought. Her brows were creased in a way that didn't mean concentration solely, but also a bit of panic. "Kayla?"

Her eyes snapped up to meet his, almost full of surprise that he'd spoken to her. "Mhm?"

And that fast, the words he thought he'd gathered vanished from his mind. He stumbled through his mind, trying to find something, anything to say before he could kick himself for being so undeniably awkward. "What's...err... on your mind?"

The corners of her mouth twitched up a little, but it vanished as she let out a deep sigh. "I didn't go home last night."

It took a good minute for his clouded morning brain to work out what that even meant. But when he could articulate his thoughts and match them to meanings, it left him slightly stumped. Not because of what she said, or even her tone of voice, but the way she said it. Like she was scared of being stranded far from home.

That made his heart ache a little. He could relate to that too well. What was he meant to say to that? There was a time when every sentence wasn't too hard to put together. But maybe a lot more had been shattered within him than he thought. So he went with what he wanted to say, hoping it was the right thing. "Are you alright?"

"I mean, it's happened before. But never..." she exhaled, averting her gaze. "Never twice in a week."

It was so strange, how it worked for Kayla.

"What about Flint? Is he like you, or is he from this dimension?"

She tapped her fingers on the desk. "Like me. Weirdly enough, it happens at the same time for all of us. I guess time won't go on without any of us..."

Okay, his brain was officially not functioning at it's normal capabilities. Where was his morning coffee when he needed it? "All of you? How many are there?"

"That we know of?" she said softly. "Six including me. Two are nine years old."

"That's..." he couldn't form words, dammit. "I don't even understand how this is even possible. So wait, sometimes the days double up, and when that happens all six of you are trapped in this dimension?"

She nodded. "And vise-versa."

There were so many questions running through his head, ones he couldn't answer or even form questions for. He zeroed in on the one that was more obvious than a techodrome in the sky. "Why does it happen, though?"

She slumped down on the lounge, looking kind of defeated. "I've been trying to figure that out since I was seven."

Carefully, he sat down beside her, trying to look her in the eyes as she put her head in her hands. He could tell there was something she was leaving out, but he didn't want to push anything. He'd already make things feel like they were dancing on some tightrope, waiting for the other person to fall. Just like she'd already risked herself for him.

Almost on instinct, he gently put a hand on her back. "I'm sure everything will be fi-"

His sentence was cut off as she leant into him. "Maybe," she muttered.

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