TCRI part two (unfortunately)

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Alrighty folks I'm back.

I need to clear up a few things for context.

I'm assuming that Donnie and April spent a lot of time together off-screen and had a best friend dynamic. Donnie was the only one who ever got feelings

Raph and Casey are going to remain unlabeled because I like Rasey but I don't wanna mess up the canon too much or ruin anybody's experience so if you like you can ship but if not just imagine they're basically best friends

This chapter is pretty nice

So yeah. That's it fr...

Other than a few triggers but hey I don't wanna give any plot away so sorry :(


It's fic reading time :D


The next hours were spent hanging out with his interesting new companions, pacing back and forth and trying to figure out a somewhat decent plan. So far, only the former two were successful.

He sipped on the coffee Kayla had gotten him, grateful for the warmth and familiar boost it gave him. "So remind me again, how are we getting into TCRI?"

"We have three options," Kayla sighed. "Under, through the sewer systems, which might prove difficult if there's no direct access," she tapped her fingers on her desk. " Or through the front door, or from the roof."

"All of them sound pleasant," Casey said, flicking through the TV channels, sipping on a juice box. "Totally."

"I'm still down for the whole 'let's not go to TCRI at all' thing," April said, standing with her fists on the table, looking at the map of New York. "This thing isn't too useful right now, considering we only need to focus on one building."

"I tried pulling up the building plans, but they're mostly incomplete," Kayla retorted, typing away on her laptop.

Donnie wasn't sure if everything was the same as his home dimension, but he could at least offer his input. "We've been to TCRI at home. The portal is located up the top of the building, in that huge unmapped section above several levels of Kraang administration."

"Right. Thanks for the info," Kayla said, chewing her lip as she continued to focus on her screen. "Is there anything else we should know about the portal?"

His brain still wasn't functioning to its normal standard, and it was starting to get on his nerves. He could tell there was something very important about the portal he was forgetting, but he couldn't bring it to mind. "I can't think of anything..."

"Alright," Casey said, standing up. "Can we leave now?"

"Nope," Kayla said, and Casey sat down, disappointed.

"Come on, we've been planning for hours!"

"We're going to TCRI, so we should be," April said distantly.

Donnie felt a bit of curiosity wash over him. "Is April the only one who's been to TCRI?"

"I have too," Casey said quietly. "It wasn't great. I was rescuing April. Look, it's probably not for the best to explain everything, because that could mess up space and time and all that-"

"Don't you even think about telling him," April said tensely. "I don't need another person-"

"Sorry to ask, but is this about you being part Kraang?"

She looked at him, and he felt his throat doing that now familiar tightening thing whenever he remembered the last time he'd seen April- his- the April from his dimension. It hurt to look at her for too long, it was like stepping on glass.

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