tearing into the night

12 1 14


TWO MORE OCS don't worry i will find a reason/context for them all XD

Also I hope you guys like it! I would appreciate it if you leave any feedback if you are reading this, I know the fandom is dead lol its fine

Have fun with this chapter!


Mikey arrived home with Leo later that night, his eyes sore from when he'd heard the news and all he could do was cry.

There was no way Dee hadn't really been here this entire time.

Was there?

He sat on the lounge, hugging his knees to his chest, trying to fill that void inside him with light humming. Maybe the drugs hadn't worn off yet, and this was some stupid joke.

Raph was snoring on the other side of the sunken lounge area, cuddling Chompy, who was also fast asleep.

The girl he'd just met was sitting beside him, tapping her leg. Her blue hair was messy, covering most of her face. She noticed his eyes. "Mikey, right?"

He nodded slowly, turning to look at her. "Sorry for not paying you any attention, dude. I was just..."

"I get it," she smiled softly. "My name's Kayla."

"You're the one who's been with Dee, right?" he asked, a slight amount of hope lingering in his tone. "Is he doing alright?"

The light in her eyes vanished. "Not really, but he misses you guys."

"I miss him so much." Tears filled his eyes. "He knows that right?"

"I'll tell him next time I see him," she assured. "But I'm sure he already knows."

Mikey laughed. "Are you sure that's Donnie you have there? He never thinks anyone cares about him because he's got himself convinced he's not special over a girl." He glanced at her sideways. "You're not another one of those kinds of girls, are you?"

Her cheeks turned as red as Raph's mask. "Ah, no? I mean, I'd never want him to feel unimportant. He's very... very important to me. I mean... uh, I've barely met- I mean known him but-"

Mikey made a face. "Wow dude, it seems like you two are a lot alike."

She laughed. "In what way?"

"He stutters whenever he talks about someone he likes."

"Yea- hold up, I don't like him!" she defended, crossing her arms. "We're just friends due to circumstances."

He narrowed his eyes. "Keep telling yourself that, but the Great Michelangelo can always tell. Eh, it doesn't matter. You seem nice enough. What's your favourite food?"

"Pizza?" she said, eyes full of panic like a criminal under interrogation. "Why?"

"That's epic! Yep, you passed the test." He put his hands behind his head, kicking up his feet. It would be nice if she actually did care about his brother in any way, even just as a friend. It might help him to get over April.

"Wait, what test? Mikeyyy."

He smiled, pretending to sleep. After a moment, Kayla sighed, standing up. "I'm coming," she muttered.

Mikey peeped open an eye. "Where are you going?"

"Splinter wants to see me, apparently."

He saw Leo vanish in the direction of the dojo.

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