felt like a dream

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Sssssooooooooooooooo this chap takes an unnecessary dark turn, ahaha, idc it's perfect.

Sorry for not uploading for ages, I've been rlly busy and school starts up again tomorrow.

This chapter will be following Kayla and Donnie (as usual) and more semi-canon in D#1!. Basically I'm still taking s4 ep23 and messing with it so badly it becomes something new entirely. The timeline is going to be stretched out, meaning that after this "episode" ends, there might be a few weeks or so before s4 ep24, and finally the infamous s4 ep25 and so on.

The explanation for some of the shared visions and stuff between Kayla and Donnie is noT BEING REVEALED. You really thought I'd give away all my plot twists?

I'm trying my best I guess.

Please try not to kill me for this one :)


There was a second in time when Donatello couldn't comprehend anything that had happened.

Every single thing since Wednesday. It all seemed like a sick fever dream. Some weird post-death limbo. Maybe his last breath had truly been when... he was scattered. All of it was so out of line, so alien, so strange. He wanted to curl up in his shell and hide from the absurdity of it all.

And then there was her.

The seemingly slow-motion arc of Sadist's blade snapped him out of his trance.

He deflected it before it could be brought down upon her, his arms shaking with effort as he pushed Sadist's sword back with his staff. Sadist's sky eyes met his, fury lurking in their depths. "You've made a fucking big mistake, Donatello."

He could hear clashing behind him of chains and sai against Kayla's blade. A grunt, a small screech before the sound of Mikey howling in pain. No. Not Mikey.

Sadist seemed to notice his moment's hesitation, twirling his sword away from the staff and straight at him. He stumbled back, but not before he felt a heated pain sear his arm, a shallow line of red contrasting the green.

He swallowed.

Sadistnardo smiled as he charged forwards, pulling out his second katana and he barely had a second to adjust his shaky grip before the only thing between his face and two deadly blades was a glorified wooden stick.

Holy mackerel, he was done for.


A chain wrapped around her leg as she sidestepped, causing her to fall backwards onto the ground. She let out a sound of pain as she hit the charred ground, feeling pain spread up her spine. The two figures stalked closer.

She didn't hesitate as she stood up and kicked Murderangelo straight in the guts.

He let out a howl of pain, six fingers clutching his plastron.

And she remembered her other attacker a second before it was too late.

His sai were stopped inches away from her throat, and she looked into the eyes of her supposed ally. Liar. With a small breath he whispered, "Sidesweep."

And damn her, it might be a trap, but she was out of options. She kicked his legged out from under him, causing him to groan as he hit the pavement. Thank goodness he was keeping his word. She pivoted, catching Murder's flying nunchuck handle mid-swing, her arm barking in protest. The blade dug into her left palm as he tugged, making her scream slightly as it cut deep and fast. "Dumb shit."

But she hadn't let go.

And he'd forgotten about her sword. "No, you."

She slashed him so hard in the side that his scream echoed through the entire warehouse district.

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