it doesn't seem likely

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This is a great chapter.

I've cleared up a lot of things and also kept it engaging somehow. Idk how I do it ;)

Anyways, have fun!


"Splinter? You wanted to talk with me?"

"Yes, my child. Come, sit."

Kayla walked tentatively over to where Hamato Yoshi knelt in front of the bonsai tree, kneeling down on the tatami mats in front of him. There was silence for a moment, and then: "Tell me. Where is this Donatello from?"

"Another dimension," she replied, wondering how he could already tell he was a different Donatello. "I have no idea which one."

"Is it possible... that he could be from your home realm?"

She thought about it for a moment. "It doesn't seem likely. There's like... ten multiverses he could be from, and several trillion universes within them. What would be the odds he came from home?"

The rat man stroked his beard. "Hmm. Have you ever seen any people from here repeated in your world?"

"No, sensei. I haven't. Not even April or Casey."

"Interesting. And what if he was from your world?"

Kayla paused. "What do you mean, sensei? I'm confused."

He chuckled softly. "Don't fret, I'm just thinking about things. Remember how I found you?"

Hamato Yoshi had found her when she was seven. It was the first time she'd been in the Second Dimension, and she was terrified and alone. But this rat-like man with kind eyes had found her in an alleyway, raised her like a daughter and trained her in the ways of Ninjitsu. She had heard stories about how he lost his wife, his daughter, and his four mutant turtle sons to the evil Shredder. And a small fire in her heart had ignited, and it burned to make things right.

She was a lot closer to Splinter than her actual parents, and closer to Casey than her actual brother back home. It was weird, how she felt so much more wanted here. She didn't know what sleep was anymore, but somehow she was never tired.

"Yes, sensei. I can."

"I had lost all hope back then. I was stranded, alone, and starting to lose my humanity as well. You brought me back from that, and your existence led me to my two other students, Casey and April."

She sat quietly, listening out for the lesson hidden within.

"If you can bring a man back from the darkness of savageness, you can help this Donatello get home."

She blinked, surprised. For a start, Splinter was never normally so obvious about his teachings. And... to get Donatello home... she felt as though it was impossible. She knew very little about how dimensions actually functioned, and her limited knowledge revolved around slipping through the void in her sleep.

"Hai, sensei," she said, standing up and walking out of the dojo.

She walked past Casey and April, who were sitting on the lounge talking, and down into the hallway beyond it, where the bedrooms were. She knocked gently on the door. "Donnie? Can I come in?"

There was no response. "Donatello?"

Sighing, she pushed open the door.

And Donatello was on the floor. Face down. Unmoving.

"Donnie, are you okay?" she asked, rushing to his side, rolling him over slightly. He groaned, his eyes blinking open. Again, that russet hue took her by surprise.

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