had they met before?

13 1 11


Sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed or something, I feel like I've been hit by a mental bus for whatever reason. Also I spent a lot of time updating my Ninjago lava fic (beautiful things in unlikely places) and I wrote most of this in science class tbh bc I'm just too good at science so I don't need to pay attention :D

Enjoy the chap ig


The three didn't hesitate to leave the warehouse as fast as they could, leaving Raph lying semi-conscious on the floor. He tried to stand, but his arms shook a little as he tried to push himself up. He'd hit the ground hard.

Not as hard as when Donatello turned on them.

He should have told his brother the truth.

"Leonardo! Michelangelo! Get up!"

He couldn't keep his younger brother safe anymore. He should have told him the truth. He should have known something was wrong the second he started acting weird and changed the machine. Raph had been in there, watching every single move.

His brothers were unconscious.

He kicked a crate. "Fuck!" Rage filled him. "I would have told him that I was a double agent if I knew what he was planning..." he whispered. But it was so out of character for Donatello that something felt off.

He picked up his sais, sheathing them in his belt. "This better not end with him getting killed," he muttered, keeping his breath even. If he lost Donatello all this would be for nothing.

Don was all he really had.

He'd talk to Hoshito about this later. About how the hell she swayed Donatello of all people. He was so stubborn and loyal to Shredder's cause, it made no sense at all.

But for now, all he could do was hope that when his other brothers woke up, they weren't hungry for blood.


They dropped down into the sewers. Kayla Hoshito sucked in a breath. "Stinks in here. More than usual."

She held Casey upright as they trudged through the water. She could feel the presence of Donnie beside her. It was quite distracting somehow.

"I assume your hideout is located in a sizable room in the sewers?" he asked quietly from in the darkness.

"Yeah, it is. We're-"

"Nearly there? It's in the same spot as at home. I can tell from the way we're heading." Donnie's eyes were full of exhaustion and his voice was husky and tired.

"What do you mean the same spot?" grumbled Casey. "I'm confused. Why is Donatello here with us again?"

Kayla's brow furrowed in worry for her friend, and for Donatello. He had gone really quiet behind her. "Because he's his counterpart from another dimension. Just hold on a minute longer, okay?"

Casey groaned in response.

"He appears to have suffered a lot of blood loss," said the mutant turtle beside her.

The sound of his voice was calming somehow. "Yeah, he has. The turtle brothers often don't go easy on us."

He paused all of a sudden, marked by the lack of swishing water on the back of her ankles, but completely silent. "Kayla? You said you were allied with... O'neil?"

She turned back, her eyes sparked with curiosity. "Yes?"

He looked down. "Eh, doesn't matter."

She got the feeling it mattered a lot, but they continued on in silence.

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