boy far from home

12 1 6


No thoughts, just smooth Donatello. 

This chap is great tbh


"Kayla, you stubborn ass! What if there's another-"

"Holy flamingo, shut up," she said, launching herself another narrow gap, landing perfectly on the next rooftop. Casey landed slightly less gracefully beside her.

"You say that a lot, smurfette."

She frowned. "You do realise smurfette is blonde?"

He leaned against a wall. "Yeah. I don't really care though."

"Of course not. Fine. Say what you want."

"You know how you're in another New York when you go to sleep? Or wake up, or whatever the hell it is you do?"

She tapped her foot. "Yeah?"

"Well, what if there's another Donatello in your dimension?"

Her foot stopped tapping. "Huh. That would be kind of crazy... and bad."

He nodded. "Yeah, last thing we need is another Tello-nater."

She smirked. "Yep, that's true. So you think that's why his name is making me feel weird? Because something happened to the Donatello in my realm, who I've never even come across? And that's somehow related to me? You make me laugh, Jones."

"Shut the fuck up, Hoshito."

Kayla turned around, scanning the streets. "It's so quiet tonight. Maybe we should head back to our watchpoint?"

"Hmmm... nah? It's better out here. And yeah, it's a possibility."

She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as she turned to face the hockey player. "Splinter living, or a dream location to spend the night watching people from the roofs. Your choice."

He huffed. "Okay, fair enough. Wait, look," he said, dropping into a stance that meant he was ready to move.

Kayla dropped down too, looking at where his eyes travelled. Oh shit, the turtles. She could see them running along the rooftops, focused, and definitely not heading in the opposite direction of the base, lead by Leonardo, holding a weird machine.

She cast a glance at Casey. "I thought they knew where in the sewers to enter? Donatello was making that locator thingy." Saying his name made another flash enter her head.

He shrugged. "Better for us. Hey, we could ambush them?"

"Yeah, one kunoichi and a vigilante, versus four elitely trained foot ninjas. What could go wrong?"

He snorted. "You're so sarcastic tonight."

She replied, slightly defensive, "Well excuse me for not being in a good mood. I can still hear random screams in my head." They didn't feel random. And damn, those pained screams hurt like when she played her music on max volume... which was a lot. But she couldn't make out the words.

"Fair. I would hate that." He looked at where the turtles had disappeared. "This could be a scheme to trick us?"

Kayla thought about it for a minute. "Maybe. But I doubt it."

"Okay, whatever you say smurfette."

Kayla stood up. "Did I ever say we weren't gonna follow them?" She grinned down at her friend, pulling out her grappling hook.

He smiled. "Now we're talking."


Donatello didn't know if he was really smart, or just suicidal... but he had altered the Mutant Signature locator to pick up radiation instead of mutants.

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