he was so terrified

4 1 28


Hello guys, I wrote this all over two late nights so I'm sorry if it's not up to scratch. Honestly, juggling two plots is fun but not at the same time.

I'm happy with the fic currently though.

For those of you who are wondering, Eviltello did make those chips based on Kraang technology. He made the original things in his home dimension, but you'll hear about that later. It was easy to make with Donnie's Kraang tech in very limited time. He's the kind of smart Donnie could be if he had no morals.

Kayla's magic is not too complicated. Basically, imagine fire, but it's from the stars a primary source, and a bit of light and healing. Just raw ass magic. Pretty cool stuff.

I hope I'm writing the characters like I should, but I always get paranoid that I'm Flameheart-ifying them too much. Lmk if you see any inconsistencies that I haven't put there for deliberate reasons or mild headcanons.

Ily guys for reading my work. Not too many people have read this fic yet, and I'm so grateful for you guys supporting my "second-place" fic. It may never be as popular as some of my other works, but I will not give up on this story because it's just begging to be told.

Sorry for the long notes, enjoy the chapter :)


Donnie didn't have much experience when it came to meeting people.

But he was pretty sure this amount of fear and concern for someone he'd only just met wasn't normal.

Except for when he met April.

But this, with Kayla... it was... different.

Held her unconscious in his arms as he sprinted across the rooftops, looking down every so often to check she was okay. Gosh, she was the spirit in the void. It should have clicked in his mind when she told him how exactly she got here every night. She was the one who'd made him feel like nothing before just by brushing his hand.

Confusion was becoming his most common emotion really quickly.

He wouldn't slow down. Her breathing was shallow and infrequent, which was making him worry. His chest felt tight, his palms sweaty, but he kept going.

She'd really hurt herself for him. He would have hit the building first. He probably would have died for a second time within days, but this time he wouldn't have come back. He was ready to slam into that building and fall down fourteen stories. If not for her quick thinking they would be dead.

And Kayla was only alive because of whatever magic had healed her. He could tell that much from her current state. The fact that she had powers seemed insignificant compared to what she'd just done to get them out of TCRI alive.

He hoped this dimension's versions of his human friends had made it out alive.

Kayla's eyelashes fluttered, and she let out a small groan.

"Easy, I've got you," he said gently.

Her eyes opened a bit. "It was you in the void, wasn't it?" She whispered.

"Yeah, I think it was," he echoed as he continued running, his arms starting to grow more tired by the second. He wasn't sure if it was even his body. Eviltello could have been swapped with him in a physical sense, or just their souls. There was no way to tell.

She leant against his chest. "I'm so tired."

"Don't worry, I'm getting you home-" He stopped dead as he noticed three figures on the roof he had been about to leap onto. "Holy chalupa," he said under his breath as he ducked behind a roof access stairwell.

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