Season 2 Chapter 4: A Wise Will

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El had to set herself on her own personal mission as the others now split up to find Will. With Dart out in the open and being from the Upside Down and Will constantly having episodes putting him in the Upside Down and the situation is just screwed to all hell.

El: Will! Will Byers!

She feels as if the boys aren't really even that focused on the situation. She first thinks of Max as a reason but then remembers how she acted towards her and how Will said to give her a chance as she then shakes her head pushing those thoughts out of her mind as she focuses on finding Will.

El: Will!

She reaches the main hallway in hopes of finding Will but her luck turns up when in the entrance of the school she sees a familiar face. Joyce Byers. Joyces eyes land on El and vice versa.

Joyce: Eleven!

El: Mrs. Byers.

As if on time by coincidence Dustin and Max turn the corner seeing El and Joyce.

Joyce: What's going on? Where's Will?

El doesn't get to answer as Lucas barges through the door.

Lucas: The field!

El is the first one to leave the group with the others behind her. She makes it over to Mike who is trying to shake Will.

Mike: Will! I just found him like this!

El: He's having another episode! Will wake up, Will fight it!

Joyce: Will! Will! Will! Sweetie, wake up! It's Mom! Will!

Will doesn't wake up as his eyes move as if he's in REM sleep.

Joyce: Will, wake up! Can you hear me? Will, please, just wake up. Please, wake up! It's Mom! It's me!

Will gasps opening his eyes looking around where he is.

Will is soon escorted off school with Joyce. The party plus Max sit at the school entrance watching Will and Joyce from afar.

Max: Okay, that totally freaked me out. Did that not freak you guys out?

Lucas: Two episodes in two days.

El: It's getting worse.

Mike: You think it's his True Sight?

Max: What's True Sight?

El: It's a DND thing. You wouldn't understand.


It is the dead of night as we see Hopper come back from work as he walks into the house and sees Zero making dinner.

Hopper: You making dinner?

Zero: Yeah. It's pasta tonight.

Hopper then sighs as he goes and gets comfortable by changing clothes and sitting in front of the TV. 

Hopper: So, how was your day today.

Zero: It was fine.

Hopper: Okay.

There was a long silence before Zero sighed and Hopper heard.

Hopper: What's wrong?

Zero: I might've broke the rules but wasn't stupid about it.

Hopper then stands up immediately as he rushes over to Zero with a look of slight anger on his face as he stares at him.

Hopper: What did you do?

Zero: I went over to the school and to see my friends. But it's okay. They didn't see me.

Hopper: But what if someone else did?

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