Season 4 Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed, Tension Arisen

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While El and Terry went away in a different Sedan, one of the sedans are still parked in the driveway.

Inside Agent Stinson debriefs Jonathan, Mike, Will, and James.

Jonathan: I'm sorry. I'm having trouble understanding any of this. I mean, what exactly is going on in Hawkins? What's doing these killings?

Stinson: That's what they left to go and handle.

Mike: Where is Zero, right now? And where are you taking El and Ms. Ives?

Stinson: For their safety, it's best you don't know.

James: This is crazy!

Jonathan: So this training to get El's powers back, how long is it gonna take?

Stinson: Could take weeks, could take months.

Will: Months?

Stinson: Until then, agents Harmon and Wallace here will stay with you.

Mike: We're not the ones in danger.

Will: Our friends live in Hawkins.

James: My family lives in Hawkins.

Stinson: (Annoyed) I'll work to contain the situation until Eleven, Zero, and Terry are ready. In the meantime, it is of vital importance you do not speak to anyone about this.

Mike: No. No way.

Stinson: I know this is difficult to understand-

James: It's not difficult. This is impossible.

Stinson: (Righteously) There are factions within our government who are working directly against them. Who are, in fact, searching for Eleven specifically as we speak. We can't risk contact. If they learned about any of this, it will jeopardize not only Eleven, but also Terry and Zero. And if they are jeopardized, so are your friends. (To Mike and James) And so is your families.

Mike: So, what? We're just supposed to trust that you're the good guys? Whoever you are?

Stinson: We're friends of Owens.

This makes Mike slightly lower his guard and James calms down a little. Will, however, grows uneasy.

Stinson: Zero trusted us. Now we're asking the same from you.

Stinson removes a sealed envelope from her inside jacket pocket and she hands it to Mike.

Mike: For me?

Stinson: For anyone here.

Mike takes it and looks at it suspiciously and leaves upstairs without saying anything.

When he goes to your room and sits on the edge of your bed, and he opens the envelope and removes a folded sheet of paper. It was a brief handwritten letter from you.

Dear Jonathan or Will or Mike or James, I can't explain everything due to me having to make this short, so I'll summarize it. Me, El, and Ms. Ives are going to be superheroes again. Be sure to tell the others as well, From 0.

Mike stares at it before heading downstairs and looks at the others.


The Wheeler Wagon skids to a stop in a parking spot. They spot Lucas' bike, and they get suspicious.

In the hallway Nancy and Robin carry a flashlight and walkie. They both run in, and then past the camera.

Max is staring down the corridor where she saw the clock and sees that there is no clock. She is dumbfounded as Lucas, Nancy, and Robin pull up surprising Steve and Dustin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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