Season 2 Chapter 9: The Girl Boss, The Gaslight and The Gatekeep

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Zero and El look at each other and stare, while Zero has a big smile on his face and is looking at everyone, El is only looking at him as she is happy that he is here standing before her. Without a second thought El runs over to Zero and they hold each other in a tight embrace. Something that they haven't done in almost a year.

El: Zero.

Zero: Hey El. It's been a while huh?

El: I never gave up on you. I called you every night. Every night for...

Zero: 353 days. I heard.

El: Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were, okay?

Hopper: Because I wouldn't let him.

Hopper walks over and looks at his 'son' as he looks a bit more confident and calmer. Like he finally managed to clear his mind of something.

Hopper: You look like you went somewhere. Where have you been?

Zero: I was just visiting some family.

Hopper gets surprised as he hugs the boy and Zero hugs back.

El: You've been hiding him?

Terry is looking at her daughter as she sees some small objects starting to hover.

Terry: Jane sweetie, calm down.

El: You've been hiding him the whole time!

El accidentally uses her powers but Zero steps in front of Hopper taking the blow as he gets blown back a little.

Hopper: Zero!

Zero: I'm fine. You would've been sent flying. I have some resistance to it.

Hopper slightly mad goes to Jane as she realizes her mistake and starts to look scared.

Hopper: Hey! Let's talk.

Hopper turns to Terry and Becky who od as Hopper brings Jane to Joyce's room.

Jane: Protecting him! Protecting him!

Hopper: Listen. Listen to me. I need you to calm down and let me explain.

Jane takes a deep breath and tries to get her emotions under control.

Hopper: Okay, now let me explain. The more people know about him, the more danger he's in. And the more danger you and your family are in...

Jane: So I should be thanking you?

Hopper: I'm not asking you to thank me! I'm asking you to try to understand.

Jane: But I don't. I don't understand!

Hopper: That's fine. That's fine! He was pushing me to see you and if he wanted too, he could've anytime he wanted. Just don't blame him! All right? He's been through enough.

Jane: I don't blame him. I... I blame you!

Hopper: That's okay, kid. That's okay.

Jane: No! Nothing about this is okay!

Jane hits Hopper in the gut taking him by surprise I he thought she would use her powers.

Hopper: Oh, jeez.

Jane: You're a stupid, disgusting lying piece of shit!

Each word she speaks she hits Hopper as well.

Hopper: Okay. All right! Stop it.

Jane: Liar! Liar! Liar!

Hopper: Stop it. It's okay. Stop it! Stop it!

Jane: Liar! Liar!

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