Season 3 Chapter 3: The Lifeguard's Missing a Case.

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(A/N: Hello just wanted to let you all know that if you didn't read the message I posted on the conversation board on my account, I have gone back to using the original script for the site I was using only had the first two episodes written in a way I could properly read it. Just wanted to let you know that I am back to the original script and that it won't stop me. With that out of the way thank you for reading and let's get into this.)

We see you and Max in your room as you both stare at magazines while music plays.

Max: You let her down pretty easy you know.

Zero: I didn't want to hurt her. I don't want to hurt any of my friends.

Max: Even if they lie to you?

Zero: I've lied to them before, and it hurt them.

Max: I guess. But what was all that talk about clearing your heads and all that?

Zero: El clearly has some stuff that she needs to focus on and due to that she can't be honest with me. So I thought that the best thing for both of us is that we do what we need to do. Then once that is done, we can clear our heads and be honest with each other. 

Max: Huh. You think that will work?

Zero: Maybe? This my first relationship after all. That's why I went to you for advice.

Max: I guess that makes sense.

Zero: Who knows, maybe being away from each other will be good for us.

Max: Maybe.

You both keep looking at the magazines until you turn to a picture of a woman. She has blonde hair.

Max: Oh, you found Michelle Pfeiffer.

Zero: Who is that?

Max: She's the Scarface. I'm personally a Ralph Macchio fan. He's so hot.

Zero: I can be hot too.

Max: Really?

Zero: Yeah, I'll do it right now.

Max: Do it.

You then have small flames coming off your body.

Zero: See. I'm hot.

Max: (monotone) Haha. (Regular) Besides, I bet he's an amazing kisser, too.

Zero: Maybe.

Max: So... Is El a good kisser?

Zero: I guess. She's my first girlfriend so I can't make any comparisons.

Max: Ex-girlfriend.

Zero: I guess that's a word for it.

Max: Hey, don't worry about it. Okay? She'll come crawling back to you in no time, begging for forgiveness. I guarantee you, she and Lucas are, like, totally wallowing in self-pity and misery right now. They're like "Oh, I hope they can take us back." God, what I wouldn't give to see their stupid faces.

Max gives you a look remembering that you can find anyone anywhere.

Max: Hey Zero?

Zero: No.

Max: Why not!?

Zero: I'm not gonna invade their privacy through the void.

Max: Technically not invading, just checking in.

Zero: You aren't gonna stop until I crack, aren't you?

Max: Yep.

Max says with a smile as you sigh and then hear a noise.

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