Season 2 Chapter 6: We'Re SpiEs, wE'Re sPIeS.

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(A/N: The video above is what helped make the title for this chapter funny for me. I hope it is for you.)

After Joyce, Hopper and Bob exit the tunnel they are introduced to see Mike, El and many Hawkins guards around Will. Joyce is the first out of the hole as she crawls to Will.

Joyce: What happened?

Mike: I don't know he just started to fall over.

El: He's in pain but we don't know why.

???: We need to get him to the lab now!

Joyce looks over and see Owens walking over, he's panicked.

Joyce: Is my son okay Owens?

Owens: We don't know, but we're taking him and you all back to the lab to fix whatever this is. Stop burning!

A few guards pick Will up and walks him to one of their vans and put him inside while he's still thrashing in pain.

Hopper walks to his jeep ready to enter but is stopped by Owens.

Owens: Hop no, we need to get you to decontamination now.

Hopper: What?

Owens: Hopper, you went into the gate without any precautions, we're making sure you're safe. Now follow us.


We cut to Hawkins Lab as we see doctors rush Will on gurney and inside the lab as he still screams in pain.

Joyce: God! Hold on, sweetie!

Will sobs, screams and groans in pain.

Joyce: I'm right here. Just hold on.

Once inside a room the doctors surround Will strapping him down trying to calm him down as he continues screaming in pain.

Doctor 1: Vital?

Doctor 2: Heart rate 220. Temperature's 106. Will, where does it hurt?

Will: All over!

Outside Joyce, Bob, Mike and Jane wait outside of Will's room as Bob tries his best to calm Joyce down.

Doctor 3: She says he feels like he's burning. Check for burns.

Doctor 4: I don't see anything. Where does it hurt the most, Will?

Will: Everywhere! Everywhere!


We cut to Dustin, Terry and Steve driving to Dustin's house as Dustin tells them about Dart.

Steve: Wait a sec. How big?

Dustin: First it was like that. Now he's like this. I swear to God, man, it's just some little lizard, okay?

Steve: It's not a lizard.

Dustin: How do you know?

Terry: You took a creature that was possibly from the Upside Down.

Dustin: How do I know if it's not?

Steve: How do you know it's not just a lizard?

Dustin: Because his face opened up and he ate my cat.

Terry: So, yes, it's from the Upside Down, who else knows about the thing and that it's alive? 

Dustin: Me, Mike, Lucas, Will, El and Max.

Steve: Who's Max?

Dustin: She's the new girl.

Steve: So, after we were sworn to secrecy you went and told.

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