Season 4 Chapter 2: Vecna's Curse? I Knew He Was A Potty Mouth!

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We see Hopper looking back at Joyce and Terry as THE KEY is going haywire. Joyce and Terry have tears in their eyes waiting for him to come back. Hopper just nods as they just close their eyes and turn the keys.

The machine then starts exploding as Hopper runs away and the machine explodes when he jumps.

Everything is destroyed as the gate is seen to be closing and just underneath where THE KEY was, we see Hopper laying on the ground unconscious and he then wakes up breathing heavily.


In Max and Billy's new home Max wakes up with a jolt as she looks around and calms herself. She puts her hand on her head.

Max: That nightmare again. It's only been getting worse.

Billy comes in with a smile on his face.

Billy: Morning. I made breakfast. Hurry up and... Hey, are you okay?

Billy's happy face shifts to one of concern as he looks at Max.

Max: Yeah, yeah. I just had a nightmare.

Billy: Well, hey, it's alright. Besides Today is the first day of spring break! Break of fun! Come on and eat.

Billy leaves as Max chuckles but then thinks back to the dream.


We see Max standing before the Mind Flayer as all of her friends are being held by tentacles through their body as they are dead and motionless. The Mind Flayer gets closer to her as she backs away and bumps into someone and when she turns around and it's Billy, but he has a hole in his chest as he just stands there making her scream while a clock chime is heard.


Max shakes her head as she gets up and goes to wash up. She goes to the sink and opens the top cabinet and pulls out a container of pills and pours water in her hands and swallows them both as she puts the pills away.

Billy: Max! The food is getting cold.

Max: Be right there!

Max looks at herself in the reflection of the window.


Max goes over to the table where Billy placed breakfast as he and her are confused as to why there are police sirens wailing.

Billy: I got it. You go eat.

Billy gets up as Max nods and eats her breakfast.

Max: Not bad. This is good Billy.

Billy: Thanks.

Billy opens the door and sees three police cars pull up in front of the Eddie's house as Susan come out.

Susan: Looks like that Munson boy's up to no good again.

Billy: Susan go back inside. You need some sleep.

Susan: I'm fine Billy. I ate your breakfast, and I got plenty of sleep last night.

Billy then goes over to get a closer look as Max comes out.

Max: Billy, what are you doing?

Billy: Just stay there. I'll be back.

Billy goes over and hides behind one of the cars as he hears the conversation.

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