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Author's Pov:

"What kind of drama is that?", Harin said after knowing the whole story. "It is real life not drama, Harin", Y/n said. "But still Y/n, it sounds romantic, just like the fictional stories. You are getting married to your high school rival", Harin said.

"University Rival not high school", Y/n corrected. "Yeah, it is same", Harin said, "What did you say his name is? Veron Chew, right", Y/n laughed at Harin. "You and your habit of forgetting names. His name is Hansol Vernon Chwe", Harin repeated the names 10 times.

"Harin, Don't force yourself to remember names. As time goes on you will remember it", Y/n said holding Harin's hand. "Y/n he is going to be your husband. I need to remember it", Harin said. "If you want to then just remember Vernon. It is okay", Y/n said.

"When are you meeting him again?", Harin asked. "Tomorrow I think. I don't know. We had decided that we will meet tomorrow. Let's see",
Y/n said. Harin nodded her head. "Is he handsome?", she asked sipping her coffee. "Why don't you search it", Harin took her phone and searched about him. "Oh shi- He is handsome. Girl, how you never had crush on him", Harin shouted making other people in cafe look at her. She bowed and said sorry. She started scrolling  through his pictures.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders. "He was all rounder during those days. Almost every girl liked him. He was good in sports too. On the other side I was good at everything too except sports. In races and all I always used to come first" Harin cut her off and said, "And still you think you are bad in sports? Even after coming first?".

"She used be first from behind. In short she used to be the last one to reach the finishing line",  Vernon said coming from behind. "Wait, then you were really bad at sports", Harin said. "But what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be busy?", Y/n asked as Seungkwan and Vernon took seat. "Miss Y/n, we are going to have a meeting next week. You should be working on it instead of gossiping with your friend. You have already rescheduled the first meet. It sounds unprofessional you know", Seungkwan said trying to play with her. "Mr. Seungkwan, the first meeting was cancelled because your best friend. I hope you what the real reason was. I know how to handle my work", Y/n said playing along with him.

"Wait. Are you two fighting?", Harin asked cluelessly. Seungkwan shook his head and said, "No. I am just joking",  Seungkwan said, Y/n agreed with him which made Harin sigh in relief, "Woah, I thought our dream of working with your company just crumbled", Harin said. "If your presentation is good then I would surely like to work with you", Seungkwan said giving out his beautiful smile.

"I hope I get the because of my hardworking not because I am your best friend's soon to be wife", Y/n said. Seungkwan looked at her,  "Of course I won't do that. I know you like to keep your personal and professional life different".

"Okay coming back to the reason we came here. Our parents want us to live together so that we won't be awkward after marriage", Vernon said as if it was not a big deal. "What? Why so suddenly? We just met yesterday", Y/n said. "Correction we have met already before during our university days", Vernon said. Y/n sighed in her defeat.
"When should we move in? ?", Y/n asked. "We can't move in now as there some changes going on. Why don't you come and see it", Vernon said. Y/n nodded.

Time Skip:

"Appa", Y/n called her father as soon as she entered her house. "What's wrong?", Seungcheol asked looking at his sister. "Appa wants me to move in with Vernon", Y/n said. "Woah, then there would be peace in this house", Seungcheol teased her. "Shut up. I am going to Appa's room", Y/n said and stormed towards her father's room. Seungcheol followed her.

"Appa", she said as soon as she saw him sitting on his chair waiting for her. "Aww, my dear come here", her father extended his arms. She walked towards him. "I know you want to know when we decided it but believe me it was for your better. You and Vernon should know each other before getting married so that there won't be a problem later", her Appa said.

"I believe in you, Appa but will you be okay if I move out?", she genuinely asked. He nodded. Y/n smiled and hugged him. "I am here too", Seungcheol whined. "Come here my boy", Appa said and hugged them. "A sweet family hug", Appa whispered and kissed his children's head.

"Are you moving out tomorrow?", Appa asked. "So you have made a full proof plan of how to get rid of me in this house, huh?", Y/n squinted her eyes and asked. Her Appa nodded knowing she is just joking, "No. There is some work going on there. So, next week", Y/n said.

Next day,

"Where are you going?", Seungcheol asked his sister. "I told yesterday right. I am visiting the house we are going to live in", Y/n said. "Ah, I remember now. You will be gone in a week", he said with a smile on his face. She walked towards him and said, "Once I go. Mrs. Kim will start coming again. Her holidays will be over. I don't want any mess here if I suddenly come back". "Wow, you look dangerous like that. I will make sure everything remains clean in your absence", he said raising his hands.

"Last time you said the same thing and when I came back I was a huge mess", Y/n said. "I know but this Mrs. Kim will be here too so no worries", he said.

"Look your soon to be husband is here. Go don't let him wait", he said looking out of window. Y/n looked at him who just smiled in return.

"You are late", Vernon said as soon as Y/n sat in the seat. "Sorry for that. I was busy in talking with Seungcheol", she said. He nodded. "It's it far?", she asked. "No, not much. It is near to both of our companies. Once we get married we are going to stay there", he said.

There was silence. Y/n decided to break it. "The house we are going to live in is yours right", she asked. He nodded, "Yeah I sometimes live there but now you are going to stay there too. So I decided to do some changes. So not much but I am going to make some few changes. It will take only a week for it", He said. Both talked about different things until they reached the house.

"Woah, it is beautiful", Y/n said getting out of the car. "Inside it is more beautiful", he said and pulled her along with him, "Just be a care while moving". "You see the door there. It is going to be your room but you can't see it now as it is mess inside and the one beside your room is mine. Want to see mine?", he asked. She nodded. "But before showing you my room. Let me give you a tour of this house", he said and showed her around the house.

After giving showing the house Vernon took her to his room as it was the cleanest. "I thought to keep my room as it is", he said. Y/n nodded looking around. "Sometimes me, Seungkwan and Chan stay here", he said. Y/n looked at him, "Chan?". "My secretary also a good friend of mine".

"You and Seungkwan seem close", Y/n said. "Yeah we are. We met during a business party along with our parents. We were 15 or something that time. Soon we became friends", he said. "Is this your childhood picture", she asked as she looked at the farme. "Yeah, that's me", Vernon said shyly. Y/n was shocked listening to his shy voice.

"What about you and Harin?", he asked. "Me and Harin. As far as I remember her father used to work for my father.  That how we became close. After my father gave his position to me, I chose Harin as my secretary", Y/n shared.

"About Seungcheol he wanted to start his own business. So I was the only one to take over the business. He doesn't mind that though", she said.

"Anyways, I loved your house", Y/n said. Vernon cleared his throat and said, "Not mine, ours". "Huh?", Y/n asked as she was confused by what he meant. "This house is not only mine it will yours too. So, not my house. It should be our house", Vernon said. Y/n gave a genuine smile and said, "Yeah, our house".

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