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Author's Pov:

"How is she?", Jisoo asked keeping her bag on couch. "She okay now. Her fever has gone down. Right now, she is sleeping after having the dinner", he said. "What did you all day? Planning to make me aunty?", Jisoo wiggled her eye brows. "Shut up, don't go that far", Vernon said, "We just talked nothing else".

"Whatever, is there something for me to eat", Jisoo stood and went to kitchen seeing if there is something for her to eat. "There is a pizza for you. Also the other one is for me. Don't try to steal it", Vernon shouted. "Aww thank you bro", she said, "Before that let me go and check on her",she ran upstairs to Y/n's room. When she entered the room Y/n was sleeping peacefully, she decided not to disturb her and let her sleep.

"She is sleeping peacefully", Jisoo's voice soften, "What did you talk about the whole day?". "Nothing much she talked about her mother and then we talked about few memories of our university", Vernon said. "She must be missing her mother right?", Vernon slightly nodded.

"Tell me some stories too. I would love to hear them", Jisoo said. "Not now, other day. Maybe one day when we all are together like Mingyu will be there too to tell some stories", Vernon said. "Ha, you can't do that. God knows how much time I have to wait and I can't do that. One story wouldn't hurt, you know", Jisoo whined. "Jisoo-".

They were talking when they heard a glass shattering voice from Y/n's room, both hurried up to her room. "Vernon", she murmured in her sleep. "She must be having a nightmare", Jisoo went to her. Vernon sat beside her, Y/n woke up with a jolt. "Vernon", she hugged him and started crying. "Y/n, I am here", he rubbed her back, "Shh, calm down".

"I am sorry. I am so sorry. I shouldn't have left you both behind", she whispered while hugging him tightly. "Y/n, I am here look", he held her face and made her look at him. Y/n looked at him with tearful eyes. "See, I am here all fine eating a lot of pizzas. You want to have one?", she slowly shook her head. "You had a bad dream?", Jisoo asked. Y/n nodded, "I saw that I left the house after an argument and it caught fire, Vernon was inside the house", she sobbed.

"Oh My, Y/n belive me if that was the case then it must surely be a mistake done by Vernon", Jisoo laughed trying to ease up the situation but it was of no use. She cleared her throat, "Y/n, a piece of pizza won't hurt. One of my fellow doctor who is avid lover of pizza says that a pizza can heal everything. Today why not follow his words?", Jisoo suggested.

"No, I want to sleep back. Also, I am not hungry right now", she said. "Oh okay, get a good sleep", Jisoo patted her head. "Jisoo, you go and have your dinner. I'll be with her until she falls asleep", Vernon said. "But-", Y/n was cut off by Vernon, "No more further discussion". Y/n nodded. "Then I'll go. Call me if you need anything", saying this Jisoo went out closing the door.

"You don't have to stay. You can go and have your dinner", Y/n said. "I am not going until you sleep", Y/n sighed knowing he wouldn't move an inch. "But you need to go to office tomorrow, don't you? Even I am going-", Vernon looked at her with wide eyes, "No, you are not going to office tomorrow", he said. "But I will get bored sitting at home. In office you don't even notice how time goes", Y/n said. "I know that but you need rest. You still have some fever. If Seungcheol or Appa gets to know that I let you go to office while having fever, what would they think about me? After all I am going to be their princess's soon to be husband", he said. "Oh Really. I didn't knew that", Y/n sarcastically said, "Sorry", she mumbled.

"Now, lay down and sleep. You might be feeling sleepy. You need a good sleep", He said. Y/n did what he said. Vernon covered her with blanket. "Why should I do now?", she asked, "I am not feeling much sleepy, can you sing for me?", she asked. "Me? And singing?", she nodded.

"Hmm, okay let me try." He cleared his throat and started,

"Sleep well~
Sleep well~
Good night~
Good night~"

He stopped, "Agrh, I can't". "Ir's fine. At least you tried", she smiled. "No wait. I'll try. Just 1 minute", Vernon closed his eyes. "Vernon no need. I just asked you cause I remembered that you like singing, especially rapping and writing songs", she said but he shook his head, "No, wait. It's just that I haven't practiced for a long time so it needs some time", he said. "You know I have that habit, while sleeping if I listen to music then I'll fall asleep in just 2 mintues", she proudly said, "So sometimes when I need to sleep early, I listen to soft music". "Ohh wait I found one. I had written this with few of my friends", he suddenly said and cleared his throat again, "I'll start now", he took a deep breathe,

"You and I together, shall we
Sit around and stare at each other?
The weather that resembles you
All the memories on the flowery path
Put a small note in front of you
If we hand it over to each other
It seemed like it was going to be okay
Let's make our hearts easier in the future
You'll be able to figure it out
Now, you know each other's eyes
I was only shy in front of you
I met your eyes in no time
The moon shines closer today

Brightly shining in the night sky
Our singing voice
Our laughter sound
Sparks popping up one by one
We can see our memories
Shining so bright

Even if today passes
This song we made together
I don't want you to forget
You were next to me
I, who was next to you, made each other
Our campfire

You to-",

He stopped seeing Y/n, who was already asleep. "So it was true", he chuckled, "It actually took her 2 minutes to sleep", he whispered trying not to wake her up. After adjusting her blanket. He whispered, "Good night", and went.

"She slept?", Jisoo asked. "Yeah, I think it was because of medicines", Vernon said. "Or maybe your song? I heard some of it", Jisoo sheepishly smiled, "Anyways, I am going back tomorrow. We made up today". Vernon nodded "Hmm, good thing you made up".



Woohoo! Seventeen won their first MAMA Daesang. I so happy and proud of them.

Also Dino's Mixtape is awesome. Don't forget to stream his Mixtape 💙

Also, let me know how the story is going. These 2 months I'll be quite busy but I'll try to update new chapter as I get free time.

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