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Author's Pov:

Vernon opened his eyes, feeling breath on his cheeks. He looked at his side to see Y/n deep in sleep, her mouth slightly open, small snores could be heard. "She didn't kick me", was the first thing he said after seeing her. A smile spread on his face. "Good Morning", he whispered. He was so immersed in that he didn't even realise, he was sleeping on the edge of the bed. Just one move and the man met the floor.


Y/n woke up with a jolt. She took a second to understand what is happening. Soon her brain registered what was happening, hurriedly she rolled to other side to help Vernon, "I am sorry. I told you yesterday. I shouldn't have agreed to that", she said as she was helping Vernon to get up from floor. "Ouch, my butt", he said.

"You okay? Well you are definitely not", Y/n said, "I must have kicked you too hard". She didn't let Vernon speak who was trying to tell her it was not her mistake. "Shh", he pulled her by her waist and closed her mouth with his hand, "It was my mistake. I was so immersed that I didn't realise that I was sleeping on the edge. You were sleeping. You didn't do anything".

Y/n kept quiet seeing how close they are, also Vernon's big hand was covering her mouth. She gestured him to remove his hand. "Oh sorry", he removed his hand.

"You were immersed in what?", she asked. "You" he whispered. "Huh?", she furrowed her brows. "I was saying that I was so busy admiring your beauty that I didn't even realise that I was sleeping on the edge", Vernon repeated.

For first time it felt different. Y/n never saw him this close nor did Vernon see her this close. It was their first time seeing each other this close. Both were busy admiring each other. Y/n couldn't control her smile any more. "Keep smiling, your smile is pretty", Vernon said.

"Did you hit your head somewhere?", Y/n joked. "No, I am going crazy seeing you this close", he said. "Don't go crazy. We still need to marry", she said, "Remember we are going to get married in next 2 weeks. Only in 14 days".

"How can I live without you alone there? Also not meeting you for whole 2 weeks is something I can never do", he said. "Don't lie. I know either you are living here or you are definitely going to call your soulmate, Seungkwan there. Also we are asked not to meet but we can talk right?", she said.

Both were so busy in talking that they didn't even notice how close they were, until...

"Y/n and Vernon, are you up?", his mother's voice could be heard outside their room. Y/n pushed him and ran to bath room. "Y-yeah Eomma we are", Vernon said and opened the door, "She is in bath room".

"Ohh, I came here to tell you that break fast is ready", she said, "Come down fast". Vernon nodded. He closed the door and turned around to see Y/n with her towel. Vernon stopped her by keeping his hand infront of her. If she moved to left he would do move too. "Where are you going?", he asked. Y/n sighed, "Where do you think I'll go with towel in my hand?".

He cleared his throat, "I was the one who woke up first. So I should be the one going first". Y/n looked at him in disbelief. "Really", She said and walked closer to him. She kept her hands on his shoulder, "Let me see what you will do", she raised her eyebrows challenging him. She kept walking closer to him until he hit the wall.

"I think you lost", she said and ran to bathroom. "Aish, this girl", Vernon whispered controlling his heart beats, "I just don't understand what is happening but I love it. What are you doing to me Y/n".

"I can hear you. I didn't do anything", She yelled, "Maybe I actually did". Her laughs were heard.

"Y/n, you are going to office today?", His mother asked as soon as she Y/n in her formal wear. "Yeah, actually there is some work pending. So need to", she said in an apologetic tone. "Hmm", his mother hummed understanding Y/n.

"Okay but don't go without having break fast", his mother said. While having break fast Vernon joined them. After having breakfast both decided to leave. "Umm, Vernon. Can we go home first? I need take some files", Y/n said. Vernon hummed.

Soon they reached their house. Y/n rushed to her room to take some files. When she came back Vernon was sitting there, "I don't know how this house will be without you". Y/n looked him, "Just like how it was before. Don't worry, not like I am going forever. I'll be back in 14 days", Y/n said, "Anyways, I'll get going. If I get late Harin will kill me, I have already ruined her holiday by calling her to office".

As Y/n was about to go, Vernon stopped her. "Y/n", she turned to him, "Please come back as soon as possible. There is a suprise for you not a huge one but a simple one". Y/n looked at him with wide eyes, "Why though?". He scratched his nape and said, "Cuz you will coming back here after 14 days". Y/n let out giggle, "I'll try to be back as soon as possible", she winked.


"Y/n, you are 30 seconds late", Harin glared at her best friend who was giving an apologetic smile. "30 second doesn't matter, do they?", Y/n asked. "They do matter!!!", Harin said. "Now Miss. Harin, quit the act. I know you want to tell me a lot of things, so do I. But before that let me tell you that your bestie is getting married soon".

Harin stopped her actions, "You what? When? Am I invited?". Y/n smiled and said, "I'll tell you everything later but before that let's complete the pending work". Harin whined, "You can't do that". "Oh darling, I can", Y/n innocently smiled.

After completing the work Y/n and Harin sat with a cup of coffee. "You know, I think I love Joshua. You see, he frequently messages me or if I message him then he always replies. I-", Y/n cut her off, "Joshua replies to you messages!! Damn, then he surely likes you".

"How do you know that?", Harin asked seeing Y/n confident. "I once sent him a message and he replied after 3 weeks. There are some messages he still haven't seen yet. Leave me, he doesn't even see Seungcheol's message. So Seungcheol has to call Joshua just to tell him to see the message", Y/n explained.

"So coming back to where I stopped, I think he likes me back. It was not the first time. A lot of times he has asked me for a date", Harin said, "That's it. Now, tell me what happened with you and Vernon".

Y/n started to tell one by one things like how sometimes they flirt with each other and about today morning's incident also about the suprise Vernon is about to give her, let's not forget about her marriage discussion. "I think this marriage isn't going to be a loveless", Y/n ended her talk.

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me- I mean please tell me you have started to develop feelings for him", Harin gaped. Y/n slightly nodded. Harin jumped in happiness, "At last you aren't anti-romantic as I thought you to be". Y/n playfully rolled her eyes.

Soon both left for their own house. Y/n was eager to know the suprise he had decided to give her. She saw a flower shop while going back home, "Why not take some". She parked her car and went inside the shop. "Welcome, Ma'am. How may I help you", a lady in her 20s came to her. "Umm, Actually I want to give flowers to my soon to be husband", she said.

The lady nodded but an old woman called her, "I am sorry but give me a mintue Ma'am". Y/n nodded. She was looking around a shop when her eyes went to a flower. It somehow attracted her.

"Red Chrysanthemum", the same old women said. "Huh?", the old lady smiled and pointed at the flowers, "Those are Red Chrysanthemum. They symbolize love and passion. My husband gave me those on our first meet", the lady gave out a wide grin.

"I would like to buy these", Y/n said. The lady carefully made a small bouquet of that flower and gave it to Y/n, "Hope your love blossoms beautifully just like the flowers". Y/n smiled and said a small thank you. After paying for it, she went to her car, "Let's  go".

When she entered the house, she was met with silence. Thinking  Vernon might be in his room, she took steps towards his room but stopped in the middle seeing a shadow in kitchen. 

She slowly walked towards  kitchen just to see Areum who was kissing Vernon.

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