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Author's Pov:

"What are you making?", Vernon asked Jisoo who was busy cooking something. "What do you think I'll will be doing here early in the morning in the kitchen with a stove burning and a spatula in hand and some bowls and spoons around laying on the counter", she showed him the spatula. "You are still not over it?", he sighed.

"What are you talking about? If you are talking about the guy who thinks he is my brother then yes, I am still angry on it. He just drove all the way here just to give me some clothes so that I won't return soon", she scoffed.

"Is Y/n still sleeping?", Vernon changed the subject. She nodded and said, "Go and wake her up? She had asked me to wake her up by 7:30". "But she asked you to wake her up", Vernon said. "I would have gone but I can't take a risk of leaving you in the kitchen alone with stove on", Jisoo smiled.

"Y/n, get up", Vernon said in lower voice. "Appa, I don't want to. Let me sleep", Y/n murmured. Vernon got confused hearing  this, as much he knew her, she would always get up in one call no matter how much sleepy she is.

"Y/n, it is already 7-", he stopped, something didn't feel right. He touched her forehead and cheeks. "Oh My, she has fever", he whispered and called Jisoo. "She has fever. Ah what to do", he panicked. "Why don't you go and dance infront of her? Maybe she can get well", Jisoo said. "Oh yeah", Vernon was about to start but then stopped after realising what he was doing.

He looked at her in disbelief, "How can me dancing help her?". Jisoo shook her head, "Bring thermometer, go". He nodded, "Should I call doctor", Jisoo glared at him. "Okay, sorry, I forgot that you are a doctor", he said. Vernon brought the thermometer. After checking Y/n, she said, "It is a normal fever, don't worry. Here, give her this medicine. One after breakfast, lunch and dinner. If her fever doesn't go down then bring her to hospital. I will make soup, just give her".

Vernon nodded at all her instructions. "But I can't stay home. I need to go, will you stay with her? She can't be alone at home", she said. "Yeah,  don't worry. She won't be alone I'll be here with her", he looked at Y/n who was hugging her blanket. Jisoo went back to her work.

"Y/n", he slightly whispered. "Hmm, I am tired", she murmured and rolled to the other side of bed. Vernon let her sleep and went down. "Where you trying to wake her up", she asked, "Don't do that. Let her sleep. She must be tired. You will get a break too. Just make sure you don'tlet her work too much. Her fever is not that high. Spend time with you soon to be wifey", Jisoo winked at him. "Yes doctor", Vernon bowed.

After an hour, the house was full silent. Vernon was in his room working on his laptop. He had already informed Harin about her health, she understood. While working he got a call from Y/n, before picking it up her rushed to her room. He saw her sitting on bed. "Are you okay?", he asked checking her temperature. She nodded.

"I am hungryyyy", she said her eyes half closed, "I want to eat something. I'll go and freshen up first". Y/n got up and went to her bathroom. "Okay, I'll bring your breakfast here", Vernon said. "Hmm".

After heating up the soup, he took the tray and slowly went to her room. Y/n was still in bathroom. "Y/n", he knocked the door, "I have kept your breakfast here". "Wait, I'll come, don't go", she yelled from inside. "Okay", he waited for her.

"Vernon, Are you still there?", she asked. "Yeah, you need something", he asked with concern. "No, Umm, I mean yes canyoupleasegivemethetshirt? I forgot to take it", she said in one breath. "Huh? I didn't understand", he asked. "I forgot to get the t-shirt can you please give it to me?", she said in a lower voice but he heard it. "Why are you so shy to tell that? Do you think I'll pull you out just like that?", he said and took the t-shirt laying on the bed.

"Here it is", he knocked the door and turned around. Y/n took her hand out of the door and snatched the t-shirt from his hand saying a shy, "Thank you".

"It's just a last spoon please have it", Vernon pleaded. Y/n shook her head, "You are saying this for 15th time, I won't listen now. I am already full, Nonie". "I feel like I am handling a 5 year child", Vernon sighed. After trying so many times, Y/n completed half bowl of the soup. But now she isn't ready to eat. "Just imagine that I am giving you training on how to handle kids. Later we are going to have kids though",  Y/n blurted out. Y/n realised what she said.

"I see you have already made future planning. How many?", he asked. Y/n looked at him confused, "What do you mean by how many?". He continued, "What I mean is you want one, two, three, four, five or until you run out of energy? I don't have any problem with it though. I am ready to work hard". Blood rushed to Y/n"s cheeks after understanding what he meant.

"S-Soup, it's tasty. I want some more", she said hiding her cheeks. Vernon chuckled seeing her shy, "There is still half remaining. Once you finish this, I'll see whether to give you more", he moved a spoon of soup infront of her mouth, without saying anything she ate it.

"Good girl. Now that you have finished the bowl of soup, I'll give you a reward soon but before that let me clean this up", he arranged everything and took the tray, "I'll come back soon with your reward".

Y/n waited for him just like a small child. Vernon soon came, "And here is your reward", he brought his closed hand forward and opened it. Much to her dismay, Vernon's hand had some medicines, something she hated with the core of her heart along with cockroaches and lizards. Her face fell after seeing those.

"I don't want this reward. Now go", she tried pushing him away but he was trained by Harin on how to handle Y/n. "Don't try to give excuse, you are eating this medicines", he sternly said. "They taste bitter. I don't like it", Y/n made a face. "See, if you don't eat it then your fever will not go down, if that happens then we need to go to the hospital. You want to go to the hospital?". Y/n shook her head, "I don't like going to hospitals".

"So you better eat it", Vernon gave her a glass of water. Y/n took the medicines and gulped it down with water. "Eww", she murmured. "But why don't you like going to hospital?", Vernon curiously asked. "Because it reminds of my mother. Sometimes I used to visit hospitals to see Eomma. Due to her health she mostly used to be in hospital. I was too young  that time but I still remember people being happy and sad", Y/n played with the hem of her blanket.

"Some of them being happy seeing their loved ones recovering, some others losing their loved ones while others are just waiting without knowing what is going to happen nexg. I always cried seeing them. I was afraid that what if it is me one day. Soon that day came too. I saw my mother once again, white cloth covered her cold body. Her smiling face was expressionless. Her hands which used caress my head were cold. Appa was silently standing at the corner tears streaming down his face, that was the first time I had ever seen him crying. Seungcheol came to me and hugged me while I cried hysterically. He wanted to cry too but seeing me he didn't. He kept on wiping his tears comforting me", tears rolled down her face.

Vernon who was listening to her all this time could see the pain in her eyes. He realised that even though having her father and brother by her side, she needed her mother. She must have been through a hard time without her mother. He wiped her tears. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to cry", she whispered. "You don't need to be sorry, hmm. I am happy that you didn't feel uncomfortable to share it with me", Vernon gave her a side hug.

"I am here with you. If you need someone to share something I am always ready even though I know I might be your third or fourth option cause the first two are occupied by Harin and Seungcheol". Y/n giggled at his comment and said, "Sorry to say but that is true". Vernon just tried to make her smile and he was proud that he successfully did.

"Again coming back to the question, what did you and your friends called me. I genuinely curious", Vernon was taken aback, "I have a good memory, you know".

"It was nothing. We called you nerd. Yeah, need nothing else", Vernon said. Y/n squinted her eyes looked at him, "I don't think so. You don't sound enough confident". "Okay, my friends used to call you 'Choi the scholar nerd Y/n', that's it", Vernon said. Y/n let out a laugh after hearing it, "And you were afraid to tell me this. I thought you had kept some weird name that's why you kept avoiding to tell me. I already knew about this nick name",

Vernon gaped at her, "You already knew?". She nodded, "I had my sources. I used to get all the news easily. You know right how some girls used to be crazy over Mingyu? Just to get close to him, they would try to act like a friend of mine and they used to spill some tea", Vernon chuckled.

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