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Y/n's Pov:

Agrhh, my head will surely explode now. Why did I drink so much yesterday. If it would have been only me and Vernon then it was okay but his cousins were there too. What did I do yesterday.

I closed my eyes trying to remember. I must surely have done a lot of embarrassing things there. Why can't I remember any of it. I sighed and again laid down on bed. I looked around and it was not my room. It's Vernon's. What am I doing in his room. Who changed my clothes.

A lot of question were roaming in my mind. "It's of no use Y/n", I murmured. As I got up slowly some the memories of last night started play in my mind. "What did I do last night", I facepalmed after realising that I pecked his cheeks, how stubborn I was and how I was about to rip off Areum's hair and not to forget I mistook Jisoo as Joshua.

"I am repeating again, Y/n. It's of no use. Nothing can be changed. You just have to face Vernon right now not his cousins. So not a problem", I gave myself some strength to face him.

After doing all my morning routine. I made my mind to go down but luck was surely not on my side. Facing Vernon after all the drama I did yesterday was okay but facing his cousins is more difficult. I think I already ruined my first impression.

All his cousins were sitting there. Me, Vernon, Jisoo and Siwoo were of same age while Yuna and Soojin were the eldest. After them was Mingyu. Areum was the youngest among us but if you leave her I'll be the youngest.

"Good morning, Y/n", Siwoo said. "Good morning", I smiled awkwardly. I sat down with them. "Are you okay? Do you even remember what happened yesterday?", Yuna asked. I slightly nodded my head, "Not much but I remember some things".

"You know yesterday how you made Aruem annoyed", Soojin said while laughing. Yes, I know but still I shook my head cause I remember very few things, "I hope I didn't cause much trouble. I shouldn't have drank that much", I said in lower voice. "It was fun seeing a drunk Y/n", Mingyu laughed.

"When I called Harin yesterday, she gave me a lecture on why should we never keep you and alcohol in same room", Vernon said, "She has a lot of experience, I think".

"Of course. I have. Yah, come and help me", Harin yelled at me while holding some plastic bags, "I have brought some hangover soup and breakfast for you all. Made with my own hands", she showed her hands.

"Thank you so much, Harin", Vernon said taking the bags from her hand. "Hello everyone, I am Jung Harin, Y/n's best friend", she introduced herself. While she was introducing, I went to kitchen to help Vernon. "Your friend is a good cook", he said. "Yes she is a better cook than me", I agreed. "You don't remember what you did yesterday", I innocently shook my head and asked, "Did I really do something bad?".

He nodded and leaned in, "You kissed me yesterday and do you know where?", he pointed at his lips. He is such a lair. "Really?", I squinted my eyes. He confidently nodded. "Okay then should I kiss you one more time on your..", I pointed at his lips and leaned in. "W-what do mean by that", he stuttered. "Did you just stutter? What I mean is, I don't remember kissing you and how it feels to kiss you. So, I asked should I kiss you once again?", I teased him.

"No need. I was just joking, you didn't do anything", he said not looking at me. "Are you sure?", I asked moving closer to me, "Cause according to what I remember. I pecked you on cheek and there's a difference between peck and kiss", I raised my eye brows.

"But one question. Why did I wake up in your room? And who changed my clothes?", I asked. "You changed your clothes all by yourself", he explained me the whole story, "I don't know what made you think that I was having a fight with cockroach and lizard", he laughed.

Such type of ideas only comes in Harin's mind. "But what are they doing here today? Even Harin didn't tell me that she is coming", I asked. "They came to see you if you are okay", Vernon said. I nodded.

After serving everyone the breakfast. "Hmm, Harin. It tastes do good", Siwoo said, "Anyways continue your story". "What story?", I asked. "She was telling some drunk Y/n stories", Yuna replied. "Which one were you exactly going to tell, Harin?", I asked. She smiled nervously, "My birthday one".

"No way you are telling that", I whispered. "I am", I tried to shut her mouth but Vernon held my left hand under the table while Harin held the other. "This is your punishment for teasing me earlier", he whispered.

Harin kept telling the story about how I was drunk and gave Seungcheol and her a headache. She even left my hand. "Y/n, why aren't you eating", Yuna asked. "I can't move my hands. Some weird person has been holding it", I whispered. I tried to take my hand out of his grip. But he didn't leave my hand. I sighed and took the spoon with my right hand. "Y/n, why are you using the other hand? Aren't you left handed?", Jisoo asked.

"Yes, she is left handed. Y/n, why are you eating with your right", Harin asked. I looked at Vernon. Mingyu cleared his throat and said, "Guys, before asking look first who is sitting on her left". "Ohhh", all of them all together.

"Vernon, why don't you feed her then", one by one all started teasing and Vernon still didn't leave my hand. Then my dumb brain gave an idea. I pinched his thigh. "Aww", he said while rubbing that area. "What happened, Vernon?", I asked with an innocent face. "Nothing", he glared at me and I gave him a smile.

Suddenly Harin's phone rang, "Wait a minute", she got up to pick the call. After some time she hurriedly came to me and asked, "Where is your phone and laptop?". "In my room", I whispered. "Sorry guys, you enjoy your breakfast. There's some urgent work", Harin said pulled me along with her to my room.

"Can you tell me what happened?", I asked. "Hwang company brought Diamond company and within 3 hours of the takeover they have terminated our contract", she said. "What?", I was shocked, "They have been working with us for 5 years how can they suddenly terminate the contract without even a single notice".

"What are we going to do now?", Harin asked. "Arrange a meeting with the new CEO as soon as possible. Also, if it doesn't-", she cut me off, "Y/n, it's not only the thing but some one has leaked the information of the project with BSK company. We still don't have idea who it is. They might from our or BSK company".

"What? Why does everything is happening within few hours", I sighed. "Also, make sure to arrange meeting with BSK company too. We need to sort it. If we don't control it on time then we can face a loss", I told Harin.

"Hwang Company knows about the plan. They will surely try to sabotage it", Harin said. "My God, Harin can you tell everthing at once. It's there anything remaining?", I was already angry about the termination of contract and Harin giving news after other didn't help at all.

"One more thing, only our contract was terminated. But will it affect on the project with BSK?", she asked. "Of course, Harin. They know the information about our project, they won't copy it but try to sabotage it. What about funds? What is suddenly wrong with their company?", I said.

I sighed. "Hwang Company", then it flashed in my mind. I ran to the dinning table. Others looked at me, "Is Areum the new CEO of their company?", I asked. "Yes, she recently-", I cut off Siwoo. "Name of their company?"

"Hwang Company", I sat down on the chair. It is all done by Areum. I don't know what's the exact reason she is doing this but if it is because of me getting married to Vernon then she surely choose a wrong girl to compete with.

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